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Lucy's pov:

I woke up and was instantly startled as I realised, I was within someone's presence but I was instantly relaxed as I realised it was jack from the tight grip and the intake of is scent.

'hi beautiful, did you rest okay?' he said to me as I look up to him smiling half-heartedly as I adjust to the light.

'I did, what time is it?' I ask as I honestly have no idea what time it is or how long I've slept for.

'its 10:30pm, you slept for a while. Looks like you needed the rest though, from what you told me you've been busy so I get why you slept for so long.' He replies as he intertwines our fingers with the biggest grin on his face.

'oh im so sorry, you came all this way to see me and all I've done is sleep....' I say with a hurt look on my faced. I didn't realise I would have wasted so much time with him just by going to sleep.

'im not going anywhere just yet don't worry... you're awake now so we can do something.' He says with such happiness lying in the tone of his voice... he was the sweetest.

'jack its half ten, nowhere is going to be open is it?' I say laughing lightly as I know he wanted to go out, but we couldn't.

'okay we'll do something here then. Go find something for us to do and ill make us some food and don't say no because Shannon and Becca already made sure that there was some food for me to make us.' He says as he moves me upwards and slips out from behind me.

I slightly whine at the loss of his touch. Which makes him look back and giggle slightly.

I pull myself up from the sofa and head upstairs to find something for us to do and I come across my guitar. Do I take it down? I haven't played guitar in so long I lost interest when something within the family happened and the girls took my mind off it so well that it also took my mind off guitar.

It was my escape; it was a way to forget about everything and finally express my passions even if it was only to myself. I was hesitant to even take it downstairs for a while, I don't even know if he's going to want to do anything to do with music, but it seemed like the best thing to do at this moment in time.

I walk downstairs carrying my guitar and I hear jack in the kitchen humming a song to himself. It was cute. So cute. I also notice that he now only has his t-shirt on which meant he took his hoodie off.

I looked over to my left and on the arm of the sofa was jacks hoodie, I know I said I wanted one and I'd say now was a decent time to get it. Because jack couldn't see me, I took his hoodie and ran back upstairs. I chucked on his hoodie and a pair of shorts, re did my hair and headed back downstairs.

When I walk in I see the lights have been slightly dimmed and jack has made us some sort of pasta dish and he is sitting there just scrolling through his phone as the lights coming from his phone hit him in all the right places. He looks up at me and his natural expression is overpowered as the biggest smile spreads across his face.

'you know, I hate sharing my clothes' he says as he takes my hand and pulls me down onto the sofa.

'tough, I like this hoodie... a lot' I reply as I snuggle into it and pull my knees up to my chest and stare at jack in awe. He shoots me a smile back and hands me my plate and we begin to eat.

Its honestly crazy how comfortable I am with him and how close we had gotten so quickly. When I bumped into him I didn't even expect him to come to the hospital with me... never mind making me feel like this.


After we'd ate jack looks over at me and all I'm doing is staring at my guitar wondering if he'd even want to hear me play. He might not even like guitar. The dip in the sofa rose as jack got up from his seat, kissing me lightly on my forehead as he got up, and headed towards the guitar.

He picked it up and sat on the arm of the chair and began to strum the most blissful chords.

Wow. He's good.

I looked at him in nothing but complete shock... you could just tell by the way he was playing it that he had such a strong passion about it.

'You...you play?' I ask. For some reason I sounded nervous. I had never gotten like this around him.

'I play and sing..' he replied.

Holy shit.

'Here' he said again while passing me the guitar. 'Pick a song, you play.. I'll sing'

Why do I feel like I suddenly have stage fright. I've never been like this over someone before.

'Erm... okay- um..' why is it so hard to think of a song when you're put on the spot?

'Luce.. chill. It's okay it's just me, just pick a song and go with it' he replied as he placed his hand on my thigh, tracing his thumb across the surface.

I begin to strum a tune I learnt for 'I just wanna love you' by the shires and his face was beaming with happiness and pride instantly.

He begins to sing along too the tune, never once taking his eyes off of me. He sung it with so much passion, it was like he meant every word. And I loved it.

It was pretty much over as quickly as it started and the minuet i placed my guitar down I found myself being picked up and placed on jacks lap.

He looks at me and smiles as he places a kiss on my forehead, then moves down too my lips.

What was this boy doing too me?

Lmao filler chapter oops

Peace and love
-Megan x

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