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Lucy's pov:

We didn't really do much throughout the day as I wanted too just rest and be in a comfy bed as I was in that awful hospital one last night and didn't really get much sleep. Me and the girls ended up in one bed watching films on Shan's laptop and we didn't really move all day until becca went down too Starbucks too get us some coffee. We needed caffeine.

We spend most of the night laughing and joking with each other and honestly.. I felt so content with my life. Everything was falling into place and I knew from that moment in that I was going to be surrounded by the best people and I have the opportunity too live the best life I can.

I was going too grab that opportunity with both hands and take it in my stride and ensure that I used it too my advantage.

The time was about 11.30pm, Shan and becca were both flat out in their beds and I was just sat scrolling through Instagram when I realised I should probably message jack and say Thankyou for everything he did for me over the past few days.

Lucy: Jack it's lucy, honestly thank you for everything you and Rye did for me yesterday. It was so thoughtful. Hope too see you soon X

After I sent it I smiled at my phone, locked it and placed it on my chest as a content sigh left my body as I thought about how good things would be once I move up here.. within about a minuet my phone pinged snapping me out of my thoughts.

Jack Xx- hey luce, you're more than welcome. I'm glad you messaged, I wanted too text you earlier then realised you never gave me your number so I had too hope that you would text me sooner or later x

Lucy: hahah sorry I completely forgot too give it you, at least you have it now. How's your day been? x

We spoke for a while.. I looked at the time too see it was 01:57 and I figured I should go too bed as we were out in the morning and I needed rest. I said goodnight too jack and drifted off too sleep. Happy. For the first time in a while.


We woke up and did the same old stuff.. the girls asked me why I was tired and instantly guessed it was because I was up talking too jack. I let them have their fun with the situation because I knew they would get bored eventually.

We were heading around London today because it was a must do task before we went home. Despite the fact that I wasn't really up for going far today.. I still agreed as I couldn't let my girls down.

We took it slow as we were walking round cause the girls knew I was feeling a little drowsy. We of course ended up in Starbucks for our daily dose of caffeine. I'd say we were sat there for about 45 minuets just chatting away when Shan saw an advert for a trampoline park close by. Obviously I couldn't go. But I didn't want them too miss out.

'Honestly girls, go. I'll be fine. I'll get jack too come find me.' I say too them both willingly.

They both smirk at me and I know exactly why but I don't care. I'll be happy too see jack anyway. I have something I need too tell him.

Lucy: jackkkkkkkkkk x
Jack: yesssss? x
Lucy: I need you too come meet me. Sorry too be a pain but the girls are going somewhere I can't cause of my head and I don't wanna sit here on my own. Is that okay? x
Jack: of course. Anything for you. Where are you I'll get rye too drop me off now x
Lucy: Starbucks near the hotel. Thankyou so much x
Jack: no worries love, see you soon x

I place my phone down on the table and smile too myself as I see both becca and Shannon looking at me in complete awe. They both double check with me that it's okay that they're going without me as it means that they'll be gone for a few hours but that's fine. More time too spend with jack I guess.


About 15 minuets later I see jack walk through the doors at Starbucks. I smile over at him as he returns the smile and heads over too the table I'm sat at.

He greets me with a hug and we remain in Starbucks for about 10 minuets just chatting about how I'm feeling and how weird it is that we met the way we did until we decided to go for a walk.

We walk around the streets as I look through the windows in some shops but I don't buy anything because I'm not here to shop I'm here too take in my surroundings. And spend the day with jack.

We go and grab some food from a little café just down the road from where we were sitting when rye pulls up by the side of us. I just look at jack in confusion as I thought maybe rye was here too take him home and I didn't want him too go yet.

'Are you two ready?' Rye shouts from the car.

I look at jack and he just smiles and grabs my hand too pull me towards the car.

'Jack where are we going? I can't leave the girls' I ask as he gets into the car beside me. It was cute that he sat in the back with me. He's the sweetest.

'Luce chill. I text Shannon... she gave rye her number... I told her we were going somewhere and that I'd let her know when we're on our way back so she could let me know where they are so we can find them. And as for where we're going.. it's a secret okay. Just trust me' jack said as his hand was resting lightly on mine.

I just smile at him and move over too the seat in between us and rest my head on his shoulder.

He really is melting my heart.

But I want too know where we're going.

Ok I'm making this two parts because I don't want it too be too long. Bare with me.

Peace and love
-Megan x

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