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Lucy's Pov:
We had been driving for about 20 minuets when we finally pulled up at end of a long path. Jack opened his door and got straight out, leaning back in the door and holding out his hand so I could take it for support too get out of the car.

'Cheers man, appreciate it' jack said too rye as he leant in the window.

'Yeah no worries mate. Ring me or fovvs when you want collecting' he replied smiling as he waved too me and drove off.

Jack smiled at me and took my hand, pulling me in the direction of a path leading up too a fair few hills.

I was confused as to where we were going but jack told me too trust him so I did.

By the time we had gotten too the end of the path I thought my feet were going too fall off. I did not have the right shoes on too be walking this far. And I was so tired it was killing me. However, the scenery that was surrounding us was absolutely stunning. It's something not many people know is there.

'Get on' jack said breaking the silence as he slightly crouches down in front of me.

I shoot him a confused look and he shakes his head.

'Luce get on, you're tired and I don't want your feet too hurt. We aren't far away but just let me carry you. I don't want too deal with a tired and aching lucy by the end of this' he laughs as I lightly smack him round the back of the head and laugh myself.

I say nothing I just get on his back and my arms fall either side of his neck. Roughly, we were walking for about five more minuets when jack suddenly leads us through a gap in between two trees.

The views beyond these trees were exquisite. You could see most of central London slightly in the distance. The sunset was edging on the horizon and it was just so peaceful.

'It's cliche I know.. but you mentioned that you wanted too see London. I wanted you too see this side of London as well as the crazy tourist side of it.'

'It's so perfect. Can we stay here for a while?' I ask hoping to get the chance to talk too jack about what I've been meaning to tell him.

'Of course.' He replied talking his jacket off and sitting on it with his legs open giving me room too sit between them so I wasn't sat in the dirt.

I was leaving back on jack and he was twiddling with the ends of my hair just like he was in the hospital and I felt myself being engulfed into a calm place all over again.

After about 5 minuets I sit up and turn around so I'm facing jack, he looked so relaxed and it was lovely too see.

'Oh hi' he says chuckling as we were now facing each other.

'Hi.. I need too talk too you.' I respond smiling at him. He simply nods at me indicating that He wants me too continue.

'Okay so.. I told you that I was staying here for a few days. Which I am. But I do have too go home soon. But there was a reason I wanted too get my bearings with London. We're coming back soon.' I say smiling.

'How long for this time?' He asks as a slight smile grows across his face.

'Oh thats the best part.. we're moving here. All three of us' I reply, my face beaming with joy, excited too receive jacks reaction.

He sits there looking so shocked when he suddenly begins too smile more and more.

'Luce! You seriously mean I don't have to say bye too you for good? You're actually going too be back here permanently?' He says as he takes me into the biggest hug.

I bury my face into the crook of his neck. 'I'm being serious' I say looking up at him. He kisses the top of my forehead and spins he back around allowing me too lie on him again as we sit there in comfortable silence both knowing that this most certainly won't be the last time we do this.

Ok so it's not as long as my normal chapters but I wanted a whole chapter too be based on this little 'scene'. As for my girls, sorry I've been so inactive tonight, this is why. Don't hate me :)

Peace and love
-Megan x

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