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Lucy's Pov:

It was the next morning and I hadn't really had much sleep throughout the night. I kept waking up with headaches but the doctors said that may be normal for a few nights. I sit up in my bed slightly too get my water off the side and check my phone to see the time is 06.33am. Great.

I try my hardest to go back too sleep but it's a struggle.. I look over to see jack asleep in the chair next too me, he looks so uncomfortable..

I'm so grateful that he stayed with me. He was the sweetest. I get up and prop a pillow behind his head so he doesn't hurt his neck and climb back into bed. Too try and get a little more sleep.


I seem too have woken up again but this time I feel the side of my bed slightly dipped down. I turned too my right to see jacks head resting on the bed and slightly on the side of my leg where he had fallen back to sleep.

Damn he looked cute while he was sleeping.

Yes I did just say that.. it means nothing ok.

I didn't want too wake him as I knew he needed the rest but I needed too go too the toilet.

I grab my pillow from behind my head and place it under jacks as I move my leg as it was the best thing I could think of too prevent waking him.

I get up and take light steps over too the door, locking back towards my bed too check that I hadn't disturbed him.

Once I was certain that I hadn't I gently opened the door and headed too the toilet.

I re entered my room too see jack still asleep and I didn't consider how difficult it would be too get back into bed....

I sit on the edge of my bed and gently lift jacks head up allowing it too rest on my leg once again. I attempt too remove my hands and lie back down but I'm stopped.

Stopped by jacks hands on mine.

He takes my hands in his and sits up, slightly stretching in the process.

'Mhmm morning luce' he says in his morning voice.

Fuck. His morning voice was gorgeous.

'Morning jack' I smile while blushing.

'You're blushing, it's cute' he replies causing me too look down as I feel myself going even more red.

He squeezes my hands and comes and sits on the end of the bed.

His eyes. Are gorgeous.

He's gorgeous.

I sit admiring all of his features as he looks down at our hands while interlocking our fingers when the door flies open.

We both sit back a little and I look up to see the girls standing there.

'Morning you two' I say laughing as I can tell they've only just rolled out of bed.

'Yeah hi, sorry we're late, we over slept, but you can come home now. You still up for staying in London?' Becca asks.

'Wait, you're staying?' Jack asks.

I nod.

'How long for?' He asks again.

'A few days..' I say while seeing his eyes slightly widen at what I just said.

'Okay' he says and he sits back a little more. The girls grab something out of my bag and I look directly at jack and he shoots me the most joyful smile.

Hmmm interesting..

'Oh luce, ryes here. Is it okay if he comes up, until everything's sorted. I don't wanna leave you' jack says breaking me from my thoughts.

'Yeah of course. It would be nice to see him again.' I reply.

Jack sends rye a text and within a few minuets he's knocking on the door. He walks in and heads straight over too my bed.

He engulfs me in a hug and I smile too myself.

'Hello to you too' I chuckle.

'Hi, I'm glad you're okay' he replies.

I look at him and give him a 'thankyou' look and he nods in my direction.


We sat and spoke for a while as we waited for the doctors to finish of the discharge paperwork but we were finally down at the entrance.

'Imma just call us a cab luce, one sec' Shan said as she began too walk off.

'Woah, no need, I can drive you' Rye said as he grabbed Shannon's arm dragging her back towards us.

'Are you sure?' I ask.

'Luce, for once there's room in his car for us all because for once he isn't joined by the hip too andy, take the offer' jack says as we all begin laughing.

I look at rye and see him smiling at the ground. He gets so happy jut by someone mentioning Andy. That's kinda cute.

We all pile into ryes car and he begins too drive us all too our hotel.

The whole car ride was full of me and jack giving each other looks through the mirror as we could both see each other. I don't think anyone else noticed though.

We pulled up too the hotel and me Shan and becca climb out of ryes car. And so does jack...

As the girls say bye too rye jack pulls my arm and spins me around.

'Pass me your phone a second.' He says.

I give him a confused look and unlock my phone and hand it too him. He starts typing his number into my phone. I'm so glad.

He takes me into the biggest hug and I burry my head in the crook of his neck. A smile grows across my face as he tightens the hug.

'Text me yeah. And see me before you go.. I'm gonna miss you' he says.

I just nod and hug him a little more before walking away.. looking back at him and giving him one last smile.

andysaddict and 23_mizza_01 both have new books out. Mia mate, love u.. elle, hate u but imma still promote your book cause I ain't a snake.

Hope you enjoyed.

Peace and love
- Megan x

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