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Lucy's Pov.
What was happening right now?

I see the outline of his figure through the glass in the door. No way was he actually here?

I fling the door open to see jack standing there with a bag in his hand. Before I even have chance to say anything he takes me into the biggest hug. Picking me up at the same time as my legs cross around his waist as we both stand in each others embrace taking in the craziness that was happening right now.

'H-how are you even here right now?' I ask as he puts me down, tears streaming down my face.

'I couldn't wait that long to see you luce. I've been planning this since you told me you were moving to London. Your friends are pretty good at keeping secrets' he replies smiling at me as his thumb traces over my rear stained cheek.

At that exact moment I heard the back door fly open and then close. What was that?

I look at jack and he just smiles. How does he have more of an idea as to what's going on in MY house...

I grab jacks hand and lead him into the living room to see it empty. I take it the girls left. I look over to the sofa and they'd remade it as we messed it up big time while throwing pillows.. and they'd also left a note.

Have a lovely day, we'll be back tomorrow or something. Just relax. We won't intrude he's here to see you not us. And we're sorry for making you paranoid. Jack just really didn't want you to catch on to what was going on.
Love you
-b+s x

They're the best.

I look over at jack and he's slightly frowning at me. I place the note down and turn fully around to face him. 'What?' I ask.

'Were you that upset when I first got here because we made you paranoid?' He asks, sounding slightly upset.

'Oh.. erm.. yeah. I saw you were texting Shannon and you either didn't reply to me or you were blunt and I just got scared that's all.' I respond putting my head down. 'But it was worth it' I speak again as I look up too see him smiling widely.


After a while we're snuggled up on the sofa with a film on. We'd spoke for a while about our plans when we move too London and what I'm doing when i get there and I'm now lay in between jacks legs resting my head on his stomach.

I originally had my hair up in a bun but jack took it out because bobbles give me headaches and he knows playing with my hair relaxes me more than anything else.

We lay there in comfortable silence for about half an hour as he played with my hair and placed the occasional kiss on top of my forehead as I trace shapes on the side of his leg with my index finger.

Soon enough I feel my eyes begin to get heavy. I try too resist it but jack noticed.

'Sleep gorgeous, I'll still be here when you wake up I promise. I'm not going anywhere' he said as he placed a final kiss on the top of my head and I felt myself fall into a deep relaxing sleep.

Jacks Pov.
She really was gorgeous. I have the most stunning girl here lying in front of me and I couldn't be happier.

She looked so peaceful while she was sleeping, a slight smile across her face still. She was beautiful when she smiled.

I'd told the lads all about her. They told me to 'go get my girl' which is why I'm here now. I mean Rye loves her.. he knows her the most out of all of them. She thinks she's amazing.

Which she is.

I put on a random film as background noise as I knew I wouldn't be watching it. I spent my time admiring the girl before me. The way her eyes slightly fluttered as she slept. And the way her lips were slightly parted as she took her breaths.

I can't help but smile when I'm around her. I grab my phone and take a few photos of us while she's asleep which I'll show her later, I know she'll kill me and tell me she looks gross but I think she looks stunning.

She began to get restless in her sleep and I could instantly tell it was because her hair was falling around her neck. I gently pull her scrunchy off her wrist and gather her hair together and put it up in a ponytail the best I can because of the position she was lying in.

I was falling for this girl and I couldn't deny it for much longer. Andy tells me I've fallen head over heals for her because him and rye have been intentionally talking about her a fair bit so they can point out too each other that I smile every time I hear her name.

Of course I do. How couldn't I.

I begin smiling too myself all over again as I remember all the good times we've already had and the memories we've already made.

This was the start of something beautiful.

As I start to trace patterns down the side of her arm she stirs in her sleep and her eyes lightly flutter open as she looks directly up at me I smile back down at her in awe of her beauty.

She sits up slightly and turns around and takes me into the biggest hug. I could tell she was still so tired so I allow her to lay on my chest as she buried her head in the crook of my neck I grab her hand and kiss the top of it.

She lifts her head and looks me directly in the eye.

'Oh hi gorgeous' I say as i let out a slight laugh.

'Mhmmmm hi' she says as she smiles back into my neck and tightens her grip on me as if she was scared I was going too leave.

I couldn't leave her now even if I wanted too.

Hope you enjoyed it, I'm getting there with this one x

Peace and love
-Megan x

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