1. The Reaper

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Ruby Rose is running out of the forest into a clear field near her house at Patch. She looks back at the forest and raises her fists. Ruby then hears a whoosh and looks back before suddenly being punched in the torso two times before being kicked in the face.

Ruby is knocked to the ground after her little beat down. She rubs her head as she looks up to see a dark humanoid Grimm looking at her.

(Old Crusader Kings 2 art involving a Plague Doctor, which serves as the physical template of the Reapers)

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(Old Crusader Kings 2 art involving a Plague Doctor, which serves as the physical template of the Reapers)

Ruby: No fair! You used your powers to throw me off balance!

The Grimm tilts his head and summons a scythe. He tosses it up a little to flip it and grab the upper grip and points the lower grip at Ruby. She grabs it and he pulls her up to her feet. She then sighs.

Ruby: I know, my enemies won't always play fair so I should be prepared for anything right?

The Grimm nods silently. Ruby gets in a pose for another round of hand to hand combat with her Grimm teacher before she hears her dad.

Tai: Ruby! Time for dinner!

Ruby looks back to see Taiyang looking at her and her teacher and sighs.

Ruby: Coming! Sorry Reaper.

The Grimm gestures that it's fine and for her to go eat. Ruby runs to her house as Taiyang walks up to Reaper.

Tai: You know, I'm actually surprised of how much she's learned since you got here ten years ago. You and Qrow have been good teachers to her.

Reaper nods at Tai as the human turns and walks back to the house with Reaper silently standing in the field.

Ten years? Has it really been that long?

Reaper first came to Patch after trekking for two years from Mistral. Before she died, Summer made him promise to look after Ruby. Interesting how she could trust a Grimm to protect her only (biological) daughter. When he first arrived, Taiyang tried to kill him but now they're kinda friends.

The Grimm patrols the grounds as the sun starts to set. He then sees Ruby walking out of the house still in her usual outfit. She heads over to Reaper with her hands clasped together.

Ruby: Can we continue training please? I want to have an advantage during the Vytal Tournament next week when my team fights.

Reaper silently stares at her. Ruby used to be so intimidated by his stares but after a while, she just got used to them. The Grimm shakes his head and points to her house. Ruby pouts.

Ruby: Pleeeaaaase? Just one round?

Reaper lowers his head as if he was sighing before giving a thumbs up.

Ruby: Yes! Thank you!

The two practice for an hour before Ruby finally goes to bed. Reaper sits by a tree and waits for the sun to rise again.

End Part

Author's Note: Reapers are physically modeled after Plague Doctors, mainly because of a belief that if you see a Plague Doctor, death is not too far behind. Though their weapons, mentality, and namesake are modeled after the Grim Reaper.
Another note is that the fancy hat doesn't come with the territory of being a Reaper. In fact, normally a Reaper would be wearing a hood for the Grim Reaper element in their personage.

Reaper Of Remnant Volume 1 (A RWBY Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now