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At the docks outside of Beacon. Air buses are picking up the last few civilians and students. Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck oversee the evacuation.

Port: That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!

Oobleck: A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!

Weiss stares at a disarmed Yang with her arms crossed. Ruby and Reaper come running down the path, Zwei barks to alert Weiss to them, and Weiss turns around to face the two.

Weiss: Ruby! Reaper!

Ruby: Oh, I found you!

Weiss: Ruby, where have you-

Ruby: Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?

Unsure of what to say, Weiss lowers her gaze sadly.

Ruby: Weiss? What is it?

Weiss steps aside, giving Ruby and Reaper a clear view of Blake and Yang lying on the ground. Both girls have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them sit Nora and Ren, who are too battered and bruised to fight. Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's.

Blake: I'm sorry.

Tears in her eyes. Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but in her emotional state, she doesn't know what to say. Reaper's hands turn into fists as he looks at the state of Yang. He kneels down next to Yang.

Blake: I'm so sorry.

Ruby: Yang...

Sun walks over to the group.

Sun: Hey. She's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora: But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing.

Nora attempts to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and holding her side.

Ruby: What!?

Reaper looks at the main tower before looking back at Yang. He touches her forehead, moving some of her hair out of her face before taking her scroll. Then Reaper immediately teleports without Ruby noticing.

Sun: Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!

Ren: We're not... leaving!

He stands up, but then falls to his knees

Ren: Ugh!

Sun turns and casts a worried look at Blake.

Ruby: I'll find them... I'll find them, and I'll bring them back.

Weiss: No! We will find them. *to Nora and Ren* Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back.

Sun: You better be.

Ruby turns to notice Reaper is gone.

Ruby: Reaper? Great, now we have to find him too!

Ruby and Weiss run toward Beacon Academy, while Sun watches them go.

~At the entrance of Beacon Tower~

Jaune and Pyrrha just managed to get back to the surface after Cinder killed Amber and took what was left of the Fall Maiden's powers. Jaune pulls out his scroll looking through his contact list.

Jaune: Okay, I think I have Glynda's number. Oh, where is it?

Pyrrha turns and stares silently at Beacon Tower. Jaune's voice soon breaks her concentration.

Jaune: Pyrrha? What was all of that?

Pyrrha: I...

Their conversation is interrupted by an explosion, followed by Cinder using fire to fly up through the elevator shaft. The two teens stare at the tower in surprise.

Jaune: But... Ozpin...

Pyrrha: There's no time.

She shakes her head, then looks at Jaune, quickly adopting a determined tone

Pyrrha: Go. Get to Vale and call for help.

Jaune: Huh? What are you gonna do?

Pyrrha slowly turns her head to stare up at the top of Beacon Tower. Following her gaze, Jaune realizes what she plans to do.

Jaune: No... no, Pyrrha, you can't. You saw how powerful she is! Pyrrha, I won't let you do-

Suddenly, Pyrrha grabs Jaune's head in both hands and silences him with a long kiss on the lips. After a moment of hesitation, he gently pulls her in and returns the kiss, while Pyrrha slightly raises her foot behind her. She then pulls away, ending the kiss, and stares into his eyes, one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

She then uses her Semblance on his armor, pushing him directly into a nearby locker, which slams shut from the impact.

Jaune: Hey! Wait! Stop, stop! Pyrrha, please don't do this!

While Jaune pleads, Pyrrha walks over to the locker and begins typing coordinates into it. She looks him in the eyes one last time, before stepping back and watching the locker fly away. Once it vanishes into the distance, she clenches her fists and, once again, adopts a determined demeanor as she walks toward the tower.

Suddenly, Pyrrha sees Reaper slowly walking out of the entrance to face her. He saw everything that just happened and silently looks at her.

Pyrrha: Reaper! That woman, Cinder, she killed Amber and has taken the Maiden's powers!

Reaper looks up at the tower and then back at her.

Pyrrha: We need to try and stop her before she can do more damage!

Reaper takes off his hat and nods silently. Suddenly, an empty rocket locker belonging to Yang lands near them and opens. Pyrrha looks at it before seeing him right in front of her.

Pyrrha: What are you-?!?!

Reaper pushes Pyrrha in with his hat and Yang's scroll in her arms and the locker quickly closes and launches away, he did the same thing Pyrrha did to Jaune. He watches the locker fly off to make sure Pyrrha doesn't use her semblance or the scroll but it gets far enough away he doesn't need to worry of her safety now. He gives off a sighing motion.

Here we go...

Reaper summons his scythe and uses his free hand to pull up a hood over his head, the natural look of a Reaper. He then runs to the elevators to get to the top of the tower.

End Part!

Reaper Of Remnant Volume 1 (A RWBY Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now