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Reaper is sitting on a chair in between the bunk beds in the RWBY dorm room. Yang and Ruby just finished explaining to Weiss and Blake about what he is and how they know him. Weiss and Blake look over at the Reaper.

Weiss: So you're the last surviving member of an ancient type of Grimm?

Reaper nods. To sum it up, the Reapers were a lot more common centuries ago, but manipulative people like Salem, hunters sent by the Kingdoms, infighting, and the Great War finished off most of the Reapers. It doesn't help that the Reapers are not created as naturally as regular Grimm so their population just slowly died out.

Blake: And you showed up at Ruby and Yang's home in Patch ten years ago and just kinda lived there since?

Reaper nods again.

Yang: He's kind of like a second uncle to us. The quiet, secretive type of uncle.

Weiss: But why did you go to Patch in the first place?

Reaper looks at Weiss for a moment before he looks to Ruby, causing her to look down.

Ruby: He knew my mom, and she wanted him to watch over me and Yang, that's why.

Weiss/Blake: oh...

Reaper nods AGAIN. The Grimm notices the sun has gone down and he stands up to leave. He gestures for the four to get some sleep before tipping his hat and walks to the door.

Ruby/Yang: Goodnight Reaper!

Reaper nods at them and walks out. He pulls out his scroll as he walks down the hallway, looking at messages he received while he was in RWBY's dorm. He sees one from Winter and he pulls it up.

Winter: <We need to talk when you get the chance>

Reaper tilts his head and sends an 'okay' emoji. A moment later he sees another message from her.

Winter: <Meet me near the CCT Tower. And really? An emoji?>

Reaper sends a smiley face before walking out of the building and heads towards the CCT Tower. He soon sees the massive tower that Atlas made for Vale. He notices a ton of Atlas guards around the facility before seeing Winter waiting for him.

Winter: Glad you could join me Reaper. It's good to see you after all these years.

Reaper holds up six fingers, indicating it has been six years since they last saw each other. He was helping Qrow out with a mission and they ran into Winter, he had to break up a fight between the two just like today. Reaper looks at the guards everywhere and then looks back at Winter.

Winter: Yes, we had to place extra guards around here after someone hacked into our mainframe during the Beacon Dance a few weeks ago. Miss Rose actually tried to catch the culprit but they got away nonetheless from what I'm told.

Reaper crosses his arms and then gestures Winter to say what she wanted to talk to him about. She gestures him to follow her and they both walk along the courtyard.

Winter: As you probably know, things are tense between Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood.

Reaper looks at her for a moment before looking ahead at their path.

Winter: The General believes that Ozpin is too....passive about the threat facing the tournament and isn't doing enough to ensure the protection of the students here.

Reaper points at her, asking what does she think.

Winter: My opinion.... doesn't matter. General Ironwood is my superior and I must be on his side. But I do have a favor to ask of you. If something bad does happen and the General's fears come true, can you make sure my sister is safe? I know you have your obligation to Miss Rose but....if you can...

Reaper raises his hand in front of her to make her stop talking so he can respond. He then nods at Winter, which makes her smile.

Winter: Thank you Reaper.

Reaper nods and gestures for her to say what she's been up to. Winter smirks as they continue walking. She tells him about the non-classified missions she's been on (which isn't much), the things she and Weiss have done, and some of the difficulties with her father. After a while, the two make it back to the tower.

Winter: I need to get some rest. Will I see you tomorrow before I have to leave?

Reaper nods at her and she smiles before walking off. Reaper stands there for a moment before looking at the CCT Tower and places a hand on his chin. Hacked huh?

End Part!

Reaper Of Remnant Volume 1 (A RWBY Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now