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Reaper follows the dark hair girl with amber eyes out of the stadium as Yang and Mercury begin battling. He walks through one of the tunnels trying to catch up to her before he sees her stop and turns to face him.

Cinder: Why are you following me?!

He detects the anger in her voice and he raises his arms halfway to gesture her to relax. He points his thumb behind him, referring to the fight.

Cinder: I don't need to watch the fight. I'm sure Mercury will win, if not I expect he will give a good fight. Now leave me alone!

Reaper is shocked by the negativity towards him as the girl walks away from him. He looks down and walks back to the stands and sees Yang has won the fight with Mercury on the ground. Reaper missed the whole fight, dammit. He walks over to Ruby to see her cheering her sister for the victory.

Reaper looks over at Yang and sees her say something to Mercury before turning around as Mercury stands up. He then suddenly sees Yang punch Mercury in the leg, seemingly without reason! Reaper looks to see shocked faces on everyone around him. Mercury is grasping his injured body part, rocking back and forth.

Mercury: My leg, MY LEG!

Yang: That's what you get, you little-

Reaper teleports in front of her, getting between her and Mercury just as Atlas troops run up and surround her.

Yang: Huh? Reaper??

Soldier: Yang Xiao Long, stand down!

Yang: What!? Why!?

Emerald: Mercury!

Reaper looks back to see a member of Mercury's team rushes over to his side.

Mercury: Why'd she do that!? WHY'D SHE ATTACK ME!?

Reaper glares back at Yang, who looks really confused. She looks up at the screens above her to see the footage of what just transpired: Yang circling the crouched-down Mercury until the footage cuts to him just standing there and her suddenly shooting him in the leg. The sound of something breaking rings out, and Mercury screams and falls over in pain.

It takes a moment of staring at the images until Yang finally understands what she did, and her gaze turns up to the wide-eyed, terrified faces of Blake, Weiss, and Ruby. She looks around at the guns aimed at her and the people cursing her name.

Emerald: Please, somebody help him!

Paramedics come over with a stretcher, lowering it to Mercury

Emerald: Can you do something!?

Paramedic: We need to get this boy to a hospital. Grab a blanket.

They get Mercury on the stretcher and rush him off, Emerald following right behind. Yang looks on with a horrified expression.

Yang: You don't understand! He attacked me, I swear!

Atlas Security Guard: Stow it! You've already caused enough of a scene!

Yang: But-!

Yang feels Reaper grabbing her arm. She looks at him with surprise as a guard comes up gestures the two to leave the stage and the other guards to follow. Reaper nods and pulls Yang to following him off the stage and away from the eyes of the audience. Reaper lets go of her as they reach a transport to Beacon and a couple of Atlas robots boards the transport with them. Reaper just looks out the hatch with an emotionless face as usual, but Yang can detect anger and disappointment from him.

Yang: Reaper, you have to believe me. Mercury attacked me, that's why I-!

Reaper raises his hand to gesture her to be quiet. She shuts up and looks down. Reaper rubs near his eyes as if he was sighing as they land on a landing pad. A robot places a hand on Yang's shoulder to have her move forward and Reaper walks next to her.

Reaper and Yang silently walk with the Atlesian robots following them to the RWBY dorms and Reaper opens the door for her to enter it as the robots take guard positions at both sides of the door in the hall and Reaper walks into the room. Yang sits on the lower right bed and looks at Reaper as he sits on a chair by one of the two desks. Ruby, Weiss, and Blake soon rush in.

Ruby: Yang!

Weiss: What happened back there?! Why did you attack Mercury?!

Yang: I saw him try to attack me, so I retaliated!

Blake: That's not what we saw, or what the footage picked up.

Yang: I'm telling you, that's what I saw!

They all hear Reaper snap his fingers to get everyone's attention. The team looks to see Reaper gesture for all of them to go to sleep, indicating that this will be discussed further tomorrow.

Ruby: But-

Reaper angrily slams his hand on the desk, which startles everyone. RWBY all see his eyes emitting a sort of flame in his red eyes. Ruby yelps from the loud noise and in fear of those eyes before looking down sheepishly.

Ruby: Yes sir...

Yang, Blake, and Weiss also look at him with fear before they comply with his order. Once they all get in their beds, Reaper stands up and leaves the room, walking past the Atlesian knights and silently paces around the hall back and forth until morning.

End Part!

Reaper Of Remnant Volume 1 (A RWBY Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now