15. Sins of the Past

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Ruby and Weiss are running up to the campus as Weiss hears her scroll ring. She pulls it out to see Jaune contacting her.

Weiss: It's Jaune!

She answers to Jaune's call.

Weiss: Where are you?

She hears Jaune speaking in a panicked voice.

Jaune: Weiss! Please, you have to stop her!

Weiss: What!?

Jaune: Pyrrha! She's going after that woman at the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a chance!

Weiss: Jaune, what are you talking about!? Where are you?

Jaune: Don't worry about me! Please, you have to save Pyrrha.

Weiss: We will. Are you okay?

They hear a crack, like he threw his scroll to the ground.

Weiss: Jaune? Jaune!

Ruby: Come on!

As they start to head to Beacon Tower, they see a rocket locker fly by and something makes it crash near them. The two head up to it as the locker door is thrown off its hinges from the inside and they see Pyrrha get out of it with tears in her eyes. Ruby and Weiss rush over to her.


Ruby stops in her tracks when she sees Reaper's hat as well as a scroll in Pyrrha's hands.

Ruby Thoughts: Wait, isn't that Yang's scroll?

Pyrrha: Ruby! Reaper, he... We need to get up to the tower, NOW! We need to help him!

She gives Ruby the hat. Ruby stares at it for a moment before looking back at Pyrrha with a determined look.

Ruby: Right!

The ground shakes as the Wyvern flies by them, circling Beacon Tower with black ooze dripping from it. It perches on one of the arches stemming from the tower and utters a screech. Ruby puts on the hat and draws Crescent Rose, shifting it into its scythe form in preparation for the Grimm spawning from the ooze. Pyrrha and Weiss draw their weapons.

Ruby: I have a plan.

Weiss: You always do.

~At the top of Beacon Tower~

Cinder confidently strides to the window across Ozpin's office, a smirk on her face. The Wyvern climbs up to the top, peers at her through the window, and screeches.

Cinder: Shhhh... This is your home now.

The Wyvern stares at her and utters a shorter, quieter screech. Cinder backs away from the window and holds her hand out to the side, creating a fireball in her palm. The sound of a cape appears and she looks over her shoulder at the elevators to see Reaper in a hood looking at her, her fireball dissipating. She smirks and glares at him.

Cinder: I guess this is where we end our story. I'm gonna enjoy killing you and getting my revenge.

Reaper tilts his head, confused. This causes Cinder to develop an angered look.

Cinder: You really don't remember me at all?! Let me refresh your memory: many years ago, you murdered a little girl's mother, MY MOTHER!!

She shoots a stream of fire at Reaper, which he moves quickly to dodge.

(Rewritten part of transcript, replacing Pyrrha with Reaper)

Six small fireballs form in a circle behind Cinder, and she sends another streak of fire toward Reaper, who barely avoids it. Once again, Cinder sends a stream of fire the Grimm's way, but this time, Reaper blocks it by spinning his scythe very fast. He leaps toward Cinder, powering through the flame, and as soon as the fire stops, he spins around and slashes Cinder's arm with his scythe. However, Cinder catches the blade and pulls, turning Reaper around. Cinder slams her palm into Reaper's abdomen, and fire bursts forth, blasting Reaper away.

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