7. Another Bad Memory

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Many years ago

A young Cinder is playing in a field by a house. She's giggling as she runs across the field until she runs into someone's leg. She looks up to see a man wearing dark clothes as well as a black hat and has a white mask with red lights in the eye sockets. The man tilts his head as Cinder backs up a little.

Cinder: Oh! I'm sorry Mister...

The man silently nods at her and kneels in front of her.

Cinder: Um, my mom says I shouldn't talk to strangers.

The man looks up towards her house and points towards it questioningly.

Cinder: Yeah, she's in the house over there. You can talk to my mom if you want.

Cinder smiles innocently and takes his hand and leads him to the house. As they make it to the house, the door opens and Cinder sees her mother. A woman with black hair like Cinder's and red eyes. She looks at the man with wide eyes and then at Cinder.

Woman: Cinder, get away from him!

Cinder looks confused before being gently pushed back by the man and she sees a scythe come out of him. She sees her mother's eyes light up as she readies to fight the man.

~Timeskip a probably epic fight, brought to you by chibi Reaper winning a fighting game against young chibi Yang, who explodes in anger~

Cinder is on the ground looking at her burning house and towards the man who attacked her mother. The man is standing over her mother as she tries to crawl away from him.

Cinder: Mom...

The man kicks Cinder's mom to her back. She looks over at her daughter, who's in tears.

Cinder's Mom: Cinder...

The man then stabs her at the heart. Cinder's mother gasps and exhales a final breath. The man kneels next to her and closes her eyes before looking back at Cinder. The young girl looks at him with terror in her eyes and backs up. He walks up to her and she backs up before he grabs her shoulders to hold her and he stares at her with an emotionless look. He lowers his head and stands to walk away. He pats Cinder's head before pulling out a scroll to text something, Cinder runs over to her lifeless mother and starts crying over her.

After a few minutes, Cinder looks at the man, who is further away but is looking back at her. The man sees anger and some terror in her eyes. He tips his hat and walks away.

~Present Day~

Cinder sees the Reaper who killed her mother all those years ago. She thought she had became powerful enough that she couldn't fear him anymore but she was wrong. When she saw him, she froze in terror as her past demon stands in front of her. She then sees him tip his hat like he did when she was younger and he walks past her. She watches him walk down the hallway as Emerald and Mercury look at her.

Emerald: Cinder, are you okay?

Cinder: Yes... but we got a real problem now...

Mercury: Is that guy going to be an issue? Want us to take care of him?

Cinder: No! He'll kill you both with ease.... I need the Fall Maiden's power, more than ever if he's here.

She angrily watches as the Reaper makes a turn into another hallway after spending a minute trying to figure out what direction to go. The three turn and walk down the hallway in the opposite direction towards their room.

End Part!

Well, what do you think about my little origin story for Cinder? Since we had no real backstory for Cinder in the first place at the time I wrote this, I chose to make at least a rather cliché one.

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