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Reaper is sitting in a bar with Qrow as they watch Weiss and Yang go up against Atlas students Flynt and Neon from team FNKI. Reaper watches the fight as Qrow drinks some whiskey. They see how the fight isn't going well for Yang and Weiss.

Qrow: What do you think Reaper, they gonna lose?

Reaper thinks for a moment as the fight carries on before shaking his head. Qrow smirks and hears his scroll ring and pulls it out.

Qrow: Ozpin would like to see us. Guess he found his guardian.

Qrow leaves a tip on the counter as the two stand up to leave, Qrow a little wobbly. Reaper looks back at the TV to see that Weiss was taken out but Yang is getting angry, good. The two leave and make their way to Beacon. Qrow looks up to see the Atlesian ships flying by and sighs as they get on a transport.

Qrow: Reaper, what do you think of Ironwood?

Reaper tilts his head at the question.

Qrow: I know, strange question but.... James just seems like he wants to do anything that Ozpin doesn't want him to do. You never met him before until a couple days ago, so-

Reaper raises his index finger on Qrow's statement of him never meeting Ironwood before.

Qrow: What? You have met him before?

Reaper points at his right arm and does a karate chop to represent cutting off something. Qrow takes a moment to process Reaper's gestures before it clicks.

Qrow: Oh...Wait, you're the reason James has that metal arm?!

Reaper nods. Qrow takes another moment as their transport lands at Beacon and they get off and start walking to the main building.

Qrow: It was before you met Summer right? So if I recall the story, you were in Atlas trying to save your remaining kind from Atlas but failed?

Reaper nods again.

Qrow: Well, that definitely makes for interesting conversation doesn't it? "Hey Jimmy, sorry for cutting your arm off years ago. Wanna be friends?"

Reaper glares at him as they enter the building. They make a quick detour to get Qrow some coffee before stepping into an elevator to Ozpin's office. When they reach the top and step out of the elevator they see Ozpin sitting at his desk looking out the window. Reaper and Qrow walk up to the desk as they see the Atlesian ships out there.

Qrow: You know, he's making you look like a fool.

Ozpin: His heart is in the right place. He's just... misguided.

Qrow: Sometimes, I'm not even sure he has a heart. *takes a sip from his coffee* So, have you chosen your guardian yet?

Ozpin swirls his chair around to face Qrow and Reaper.

Ozpin: Maidens choose themselves. I simply believe I've found the right candidate. Ever since the day I met her, I had the feeling she would be the one. She's strong, intelligent, caring... but most importantly, she's ready.

Reaper hears the elevator doors open and he turns to see a red haired girl in a red outfit that makes her stand out as a warrior. She sees Reaper and smiles at him as she walks up to the three.

Pyrrha: Hello Reaper, Ruby told me about you earlier today. She speaks very highly of you. Oh, my name is Pyrrha Nikos, a pleasure to meet you.

She offers her hand out and Reaper shakes it. Ozpin smiles at this little exchange as Qrow walks over to a column to lean on.

Ozpin: I'm glad you join us Ms. Nikos. Please, sit.

Pyrrha does so and sits across from Ozpin. Reaper crosses his arms as he looks at the two.

Reaper Of Remnant Volume 1 (A RWBY Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now