2. A Bad Memory

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Many years ago

During a snowstorm, Reaper runs towards a military base waving the Atlas flag. As he runs up to the gate, an Atlas guard sees him.

Atlas Guard: Hey! This is a restri-

Reaper teleports past the gate and beheads the guard before he could finish. He continues silently into the base. He avoids more guards before he enters a lab in the base. He sees shrouded figures that look like him scattered in the lab, cut open or in pods. The sight of fellow Reapers cut open and that the dead ones are not disintegrating like normal, horrified the Grimm.

He sees one of the Reapers weakly move the head to look at him and tries to raise a hand. Reaper runs over to his brother and grabs the hand to comfort the barely living Grimm. The Reaper's red eyes seemed happy to see him before slowly dimming and the eyes close. The body doesn't disintegrate and Reaper gently places the hand onto the table before hearing the door open.

A scientist looks at him before looking at a security button on the wall. Before she could touch the button, a scythe stabs into the wall next to it, making the scientist yelp in panic and she crouch and covers her head.

Reaper walks up in front of her and crouches to meet her eyes when she uncovers her face. The scientist stares into the Grimm's enflamed red eyes before he reaches towards her. She tries moving back but he grabs her arm and holds her in place. He uses his other hand to reach into her coat and pulls out her scroll. He let's go and stands up. He gets his scythe off the wall and walks over to a console and plugs it in, giving him access to it's content. The scientist stands up to see him deleting files.

Scientist: No!

She takes a step forward before feeling a blade impaling her abdomen. She coughs up blood as she sees the Grimm staring straight at her as he holds the scythe that was impaling her.

Reaper pulls the blade back and the scientist falls to the ground while she puts pressure on the stab wound. Reaper looks at a flammable liquid by the lab tables. He grabs it and throws it near his fellow Reapers before throwing a lit burner from the table to the liquid and sets the lab on fire, giving his brothers a proper incineration they were denied. Reaper silently makes his way out of the lab before seeing an Atlas Commander walk in, panicked to see the fire. He looks at Reaper with wide eyes and sees the scientist on the ground.

Scientist: Ironwood! RUN!!

Ironwood reaches for his revolver but then sees Reaper slash at him.

~On an Atlas ship hovering Vale, present day~

Ironwood wakes up from his bed on his flagship. He's breathing heavily as he looks at his robotic arm. He covers his face with his hands and sighs. Ironwood then stands up and gets dressed. The general still remembers his short encounter with that Grimm all those years ago. How can he not? He lost an arm to one of the deadliest Grimm out there. But at least he is still alive.

Ironwood walks out of his room and walks through the halls of his ship, passing by a few saluting personnel before he enters the hanger. He sees Penny Polendina waiting for him at a transport. She smiles and salutes.

Penny: Goo-ood morning General Ironwood! I hope you slept well!

Ironwood chuckles as he walks up to the transport.

Ironwood: I had better nights Penny. Come on.

The two enter the transport and it takes off towards Beacon Academy. Well, Ironwood doesn't have to worry about Reaper showing up there at least.

End Part

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