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I woke up in Jimin's bed

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I woke up in Jimin's bed.

Nothing happened, but we were snuggled up together. His face was buried in my neck and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

I groaned softly and shut my eyes, trying to go to sleep when Jimin spoke softly.

"Good morning, babygirl..." I blushed softly and he rolled me around.

"Minnniiiieeee..." He closes his eyes and pulled me closer to him, his voice still husky.

"Yes, love?" Jimin asked as his black fluffy locks fell over his bare face.

"I'm tired..." I pouted and he smiled, nuzzling my shoulder with his nose gently.

"I'm sorry, beautiful.. I just can't help myself. You're so cute and adorable... I can't help but want your attention all the time~" He told me, chuckling softly afterwards.

My face flushed a darker shade of pink as he started humming quietly and soothingly. A knock on the door is what broke us from our trance.

Yoongi slowly opened the door, looking in before hissing at the sight of a shirtless Jimin and me in his oversized shirt and nothing else.

"Leave room for Jesus, children!" Yoongi screeched.

Jimin threw a pillow at him.

"Hyung! We didn't do anything!" Yoongi didn't buy it, even though he was telling the truth.

"Oh, mhm, of course." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Hoseok and Eunhae got up to make waffles this morning since mom and dad went out. Come on and eat, lovebirds," and with that, Yoongi stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I laughed as Jimin turned a red color.

"I-" He pouted. "How could he do that to meeeeeeeee?" I smiled and poked Jimin's cheek.

"It's okay, Minie.. lets just go eat.." I laughed softly and pulled away, feeling a chill of what seemed to be relief. I loved cuddling with Jimin, but my body just felt suffocated... which I guess explains the rash on my arm.

Jimin noticed and gasped.

"I-I.. Alex did I hurt you? Why didn't you say anything-" I cut Jimin off.

"Because I couldn't feel anything.." I told him honestly. "I felt a little suffocated, but I didn't feel any burns.."
Jimin sighed and handed me a pair of shorts from my bag.

"Get dressed.." He told me. I nodded and watched him put a shirt on. I quickly slipped the denim shorts over my legs before walking out of Jimin's room with him.

We casually made our way down the stairs, still not saying anything.

"Are you mad..?" I asked him quietly. He shook his head.

"No, baby, no. I know you can't help it," He sent me a small smile. "You'll act up some days. That's totally fine." I nodded.

"Okay, Minie,"

"Ahhh! Jimin! Alex! You guys are so cuuuttee~" Eunhae squealed from the kitchen, smiling brightly. "I made pancakes!" She seemed very excited, so I sat down at the table, across from Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Smells delicious. Thank you, unnie," I told her with a soft smile on my face.

"Of course~" She cooed before turning to start serving the pancakes.

"Here nuna, let me-" Jimin was quickly cut off by a smack in the back of the head.

"You're girlfriend is here! Go sit by her and keep her company," She scolded. Jimin pouted, but nodded nonetheless, coming to sit next to me.

"Where's Tae?" I asked. Eunhae hummed, a smile growing on her face.

"He has a date today.. a tinder date, but a date nonetheless," I laughed softly.

"Ahh, I see~"

I rested my head in my hand and admired Jimin's face, smiling softly. His face turned a soft shade of pink and he let out a shy giggle.

"Whhaatt~?" He whined, still giggling cutely.

"You're so handsommmee~" I told him, smiling. "I don't think I can stand it," He smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"And you're beautiful~"

"OKAY!" Yoongi suddenly yelled as Eunhae served the pancakes. "I'd really not like to throw up before I eat, thank you!" Hoseok was pouting next to him.

"Hobi, baby, what's wrong?" Yoongi asked, making me giggle from his sudden mood change. Hoseok just huffed and started eating his food.

I took a bite and my eyes immediately widened.

"That's so good, unnie!" I exclaimed. She smiled shyly. "Your soulmate is very lucky," I told her.

"Damn right," She said and sent me a wink. Before I knew it, Hoseok was running up the stairs and Yoongi was desperately chasing after him. Eunhae leaned over the table.

"Believe it or not, but Hoseok doms." She said, letting out a small giggle after.

"No way!" She nodded.

"Yup! It's kinda hard to believe, but it's true!" She insisted.

"Hey, Alex?" Jimin called me. I hummed and turned to him.


"Do you think I could take you out today? I had a cute idea for a date.. I think you'd like it," He told me.

"Of course, Minie~ Just drop me off to get ready at home, and then come pick me up." He smiled and nodded.

"Sounds good."

(A/N: honestly, i never would've expected this book to get so many reads

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(A/N: honestly, i never would've expected this book to get so many reads. thank you so much! this is just a filler, but the next one.. the next one will be good ;) and i can tell you now, there will be a sequel to this book, because this book will most likely be finished by chapter 20-25. this is 13 for reference. so yeah :) would you read it?)

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