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I quickly stood up, shaking my head frantically, not wanting to believe what had just happened

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I quickly stood up, shaking my head frantically, not wanting to believe what had just happened.

"No, no, not you! Anyone but you!" I sobbed out.

"Alex, please.." Jimin tried, taking a step towards me.

"G-Get away from me!" I yelled, trying to find the easiest way to leave. He fell on his knees with his head bowed, his newly silver-brown hair falling onto his forehead and covering his eyes.

"Alexandriana, please just give me a chance to explain," He begged, his hands clasped together.

"I can't! N-Not after what you did! I'm going now!" I said, turning around to leave. But what surprised me most was Kadie standing there, Nako by her side.

"Unnie.." Kadie spoke softly. "you should listen to him." I continued to shake my head.

"Not after what he did to me, he doesn't deserve to explain!" My words were frantic as I trembled, not wanting to be in the situation any longer. "He's a filthy lying cheater!"

"A-Alex-" He tried again, but I cut him off.

"U-Unnie," A quiet voice started, making me freeze and go silent. It was Nako. "he never cheated on you."

My eyes went wide at her statement.

"What do you-"

"Yuqi is my s-sick friend in the hospital.." Jimin's voice was small and strained, but he was really trying. I slowly turned my body back towards him. He was still on his knees, but he looked up now so his eyes met mine. "All those messages about me going to her.. are to visit her in the hospital.. the only reason she doesn't like you is because she blames you— I tried to tell her not to, but she insists.."

"Yuqi is my sister's best friend," The small female started. "she has love sickness. The love of her soulmate is one–sided because her soulmate... is in love with you, Alex Unnie. The unrequited love has made her depressed, which led to her getting ill. That's why she blames you."

I tried to speak, but I couldn't. All my words were caught in my throat, no matter how hard I tried.

"W-Who's her soulmate?" I finally croaked out, my voice a lot softer than it was before.

"Joshua Hong," Jimin spoke, standing up again. My stomach dropped.

I really am the reason she's not okay.

I sniffled and looked down.

"I'm so s-sorry.." I mumbled. Jimin carefully held onto the shoebox I was holding to help.

"Alex, look at me," With a raise of my head, my eyes met his. Just by looking in his eyes, I could tell he was sincere. So many emotions were held in his beautiful brown eyes. Some I could make out— like love, sorrow, and regret. Tears glistened my eyes as we held our eye contact.

This was the man I love and I trusted. It was just a misunderstanding.

I realized I had missed out on so much with him; if only I had let him explain the first time.

"I missed you.." He mumbled, looking down at me sadly. My lip started to tremble as I looked at him.

Quickly dropping the shoebox, I flung myself in his arms. No matter how foreign and uncomfortable the feeling was, I trusted him. And I missed him. Then was when my tears had started falling from my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face into my hair.

"Princess, don't cry.." He murmured, caressing my back with his finger tips.

"Nako and I are gonna go. Jimin, can you take her home?" I felt as he nodded against my head. Kadie picked up the shoe box and started walking back with Nako. Jimin pulled back after a couple of minutes and carefully caressed my cheeks.

"Let's go eat, okay?" I nodded and sniffled, wiping my eyes as we walked towards the Auntie Anne's in the mall.

Once we ordered our food and drinks, we sat down at the table.

"I'm so sorry, Jiminie.." I told him, breaking the silence.

"Baby.." He mumbled in response.

"I-I should've let you explain.."

"Alex, I should've told you before. Please don't blame yourself," Soon his straight face was replaced with his charming eye smile that I loved so much. "I'm just glad you're back.. and giving me another chance."

A small blush dusted itself on my cheeks as he talked to me.

"That hug was really new.. was it painful?" I shook my head.

"It was uncomfortable at first but.. after a while, it just felt so right." He chuckled and ruffled his hair a little.

"You never fail to be adorable," He told me. I gave him a shy smile and hid my face. "I'm so sorry for everything, babygirl.. I should've told you sooner. Ever day you were gone.. I started to hate myself more and more. I just hope that.. we can try again. Where I can be your man, and I can prove how much you mean to me. Because.. I love you, Alexandriana Kim. I just hope you can trust me. And maybe... give me another chance?"

I bit my lip softly and looked into Jimin's gorgeous brown eyes.

"Park Jimin.. I thought after what you 'did', I would never be able to forgive you, but once I heard your side of the story, I felt awful. And now, I know I can trust you. So I'm ready to let go of my phobia.. and let you take care of me for the rest of my life. I'm giving you another chance." Jimin smiled the brightest I've probably ever seen. He quickly covered his face with his smol hands and giggled shyly.

Maybe the universe wasn't so wrong after all..

"Jimin?" I called him making him look at me, flustered.

"Yes, baby?"

"Can we go back to your house?" I asked shyly. He nodded and quickly stood up, making me follow his lead. Jimin looked down at his side to face me.

"Wanna hold hands?" He joked.

"No~" I teased him, slipping my hand in his and lacing our fingers together.

"No~" I teased him, slipping my hand in his and lacing our fingers together

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