10. Fury

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*Trigger Warning at the end of the chapter*

'I expected resistance but I am still wounded by your persistence.'

*Amay's point of view*

*Present day*

The car screeched to a stop and Karim got out. I followed him absent mindedly to his room. He turned to look at me and bolted the room.

"Where did you go?" Karim asked me. His voice had a dangerous edge to it.

I bowed my head down. I didn't want to lie to him but I couldn't tell him the truth either.

"Did you think that I wouldn't find out about it? How long has this been going on? How long have you been sneaking out to meet other men?"

That surprised me and I looked up.

He thinks I have been cheating on him.

"No, Mr. Merchant. This was the first time I went out on my own and I didn't...I.." I stammered.

"You didn't what?" He asked. I could see he was barely keeping his anger in check and it was putting me on an edge.

"I went to meet the officer for school. I didn't ..." I managed to answer.

He started laughing hysterically. I flinched.

"Do you take me for a fool? Did you honestly expect me to buy that?" He gestured to my torn clothes.

I subconsciously tried to soothe my throbbing finger and he stopped mid sentence.

"Where is your ring?" He asked icily.

I gasped. I couldn't tell him that it was back in the hotel room somewhere.

It was the only thing I had of my father's. With another dull blow to my stomach, I realised that the last thread keeping me connected to dad was torn too.

"Where is the fucking ring, Amay?" He shouted.

I flinched. He was so loud that even the guards standing outside must have heard it. I felt like he punched me. I managed to look up at him, looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"I----I lost it."

He advanced towards me and I involuntarily took a step back.

"So, you have been hooking up with people behind my back."

I shook my head. He was getting it all wrong.

"After all I did for you." He narrowed his eyes.

There was a brimming madness in his eyes. It reminded me of dad on the day Karim married me. He was angry, hurt and.....disappointed.

Of all the things that could hurt me, seeing my loved ones disappointed was the worst.

I could see his lips moving, asking me something but the voices in my head were louder.

"Your mother would've been so disappointed." my dad's voice shouted at me.

"How could you? Amay?" Mrs. Clay's voice asked.

"Why Amay?" Samar's voice asked desperately.

He shook my shoulder with his rough hands and I winced in pain.

Tears filled my eyes and I looked up at him and recoiled.

Why was he doing this?

Something in him snapped.

Because he loved him..Where stories live. Discover now