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Seungmin and his dad have decided to move back from LA to live with his oldest son wonpil and his wife. The two left to America since Mr Kim wanted at least one of his son to be fluent in English, in order to assist him for his business overseas.

The original plan was, wonpil were the one to leave since he was the oldest and more mature, but turns out he rather stays in Korea with his boyfriend Dowoon. Not a big deal, so seungmin took one for the team

"Ahhh I miss Korea!" seungmin said while stepping out of the plane, he looked at his father and flash him a soft grin, his dad also smiled back, "Are you excited? Is been a year since we've seen them".

"Yes, father. I am really excited" Seungmin smiled as he looked up at the sky and back at his father

"Sir, let me carry that for you, you must be really exhausted after a long plane ride"

"Ah, Jun, is good to see you again" Seungmin's dad nodded at the bodyguard

(Fyi: Yes, Seungmin family rich AF)

"Junnnn!! is good to see you again!!!" Seungmin excitedly said as he jumped on the older for a hug

Jun. Kim Family's bodyguard, knew seungmin since he was a baby. He's 26, and have been serving the Kim Family since 18 years old

Jun softly patted seungmin's head and smiled "Good to see you too, Min"

"Sir, the car is ready for you" Jun said

It took about an hour to get home, after seungmin and his father left, his mother and Wonpil moved into another house since his mother loves flowers so much, they've decided to buy a house with a massive backyard, so it can be filled with flowers

"We are here"

Seungmin stepped out of the car in excitement, his eyes were glistening at all the different types of flowers, he loves flowers just as much as his mother, he took out his phone and start taking photos of the roses that were planted front of the house

(imagine something like this)
Image cr:owner

"Sir, Ms Kim is waiting inside" Jun said to Mr Kim

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"Sir, Ms Kim is waiting inside" Jun said to Mr Kim

"Come on Min, let's go see your mother and brother" Mr Kim Said while heading inside the house

"We are home!!" Mr Kim shouted

Ms Kim and Wonpil ran downstairs and gave them a huge hug, they were so happy to see them after so long

"MIN!!! My dear. Is good to see you again, I miss you so much!" Ms Kim Said and peek the boy on the forehead

"Me too mum" Seungmin smiled

"MINN!!!" Wonpil yelled

"WONPILL!! Hyunggg Hiiiii is being so long" Seungmin hugged his brother tightly.

"Min, you will be going to school on Monday! Are you excited!!!" Wonpil Said while helping sengmin unpacking his suitcase.

"Yes! I finally get to experience Korean school again, LA was fun, but it was way to the hype for me" Susngmin chuklef while laughing

"Don't worry Min, you will make some good friends, maybe even a boyfriend?" Wonpil winked at seungmin, earning a small smack on the arm

"Stop it" seungmin said in embarrassment

(The Kim Family is really open about genders, both of their sons is gay, they have nothing against it :) )

"Oh come on Min, you will find a man by the end of this year, I believe in youg, your so adorable and fluffy, a lot of people will get turn on" Wonpil Said while smiling

Suengmin was full of embarrassment, if that really come true, then he will tbh thank his brother's words.

"Alright Min, you should sleep early, it was a long ride home, you must being really tired," Wonpil Said while giving seungmin a small pat on the head, seungmin respond with a nod.

During night time Seungmin was nervous about school, he wonders what kind of people he will meet, suddenly his brother words pop up in his mind

"Boyfriend" Seungmin mumbled under him breathe while blushing, he squeaks a little and covers his head with his blanket in embarrassment.

I care // Seungjin 🔚Where stories live. Discover now