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Finally is Monday

Seungmin was getting ready for school, as for their school, they only need to wear uniforms for special occasions, so normally is free dress

(This is seungmin's outfit basically)

Seungmin was super nervous in the car, he was sweating, wonpil seem to notice and told him it will be okay! And there's nothing to worry about

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Seungmin was super nervous in the car, he was sweating, wonpil seem to notice and told him it will be okay! And there's nothing to worry about

After a short ride, they are finally at school, Seungmin got out of his car and stare at the school, is nothing special or fancy, but seungmin did expect more Since it was a private school

Wonpil got out of the car and sees seungmin standing there, he pulled seungmin by the wrist and start heading inside

"Byeee jun" Wonpil waved, and Jun nodded with a smile

Seungmin looked back, and jun gives him a big thumbs up cheering him, seungmin smiled and turned back.

Wonpil was trying to find seungmin's class when seungmin accidentally pumped into a boy

"S-sorry" seungmin rapidly apologise 

"No no no, I wasn't watching too " A boy with a deep voice said 

"Oh! Felix hey! " Wonpil said excitedly

"Ohh! Wonpil Hyung? what's up!!"

"Nothing much, oh btw, let me introduce you to my brother, this is seungmin, he recently came from LA. I was trying to find his class and I'm kinda lost" wonpil said and gave a soft chuckle, meanwhile, Seungmin kept his head low, since he was really nervous seeing strangers

"No worries Hyung I got this, do you know his class??" Felix asked

"Umm..... let me check... class G! " Wonpil answered back

"What a coincidence!!! My class is also G, I will take him to my class, so don't worry Hyung" Felix said excitedly as he looked at seungmin

"Hi!! I'm Felix lee, but you can call me lixue!!" He Said in enthusiasm while smiling brightly at the shy boy

"S-seungmin," He replied while blushing

"Heyyy don't be nervous, we gonna become friends!!! Let's go I'll take you to class or we'll be late" As Felix said, he dragged seungmin to class, seungmin was somehow less nervous as he sees how sweet Felix was, he smiled at the boy, but
of course, Felix couldn't see since his back was facing seungmin

Once Felix bought him to class, seungmin got called out immediately by the teacher, without Felix, he starts feeling anxious once more. After a few chats, the teacher brought the boy back to class

"Listen up class!! Today we have a new student joining us! Please welcome him"

Seungmin took a deep breath before opening the door, he was always a shy person when it comes to talking in front of a big crowd even though there might be only around five people.

He looked at the teacher and she gives him a smile, "Please introduce yourself to the class"

"My..my name is Kim seungmin, nice to meet you all" Seungmin said in a quiet voice, but loud enough for everyone to hear, once he finished he bowed slightly

"Eh...nerdy, boring....why isn't there any pretty girls or something..." A boy mumbled under his breath and rolled his eyes

"Stop hyunjin! That's mean, be nice to Minnie" Felix glared

"Minnie? That's a dumb nickname" Hyunjin laughed and ridiculed Felix, making the boy pouted slightly

"Hey! Don't be rude! or if you dare to hurt him, I will tell chan to end you" A voice said from behind

"Guys...who do you think I am! I won't hurt them" Hyunjin said in an irritated voice

"YOUR HWANG HYUNJIN! No one trusts you....except for those pretty girls that want you, and pursues you around every day" Felix said while rolling his eyes at hyunjin

"Chan Hyung do something" Hyunjin whined while looking at chan

"I agree with both Felix and woojin, don't bully him," Chan said while smiling

"Ehhh whatever" hyunjin turn back and stared at seungmin

"Seungmin you will be sitting next to hyunjin" the teacher pointed at an empty seat next to hyunjin, seungmin nodded and start walking towards it.

"WHAT? Me? Ms why????" Hyunjin said in an irritated voice

"Mr Hwang!" The teacher shouted

".....Fine " Hyunjin replied and put his legs on the chair next to him, so the new boy couldn't sit down

"Umm... e-excuse me...the teacher said I have to sit here," Seungmin said in a shy voice

"Speak louder coward..... I can't hear" Hyunjin replied and looked up at seungmin like he was about to eat him

Seungmin was startled by hyunjin, he seemed as he was about to cry by hyunjin's attitude towards him

"Hyunjin, take your legs off the chair!" woojin said and kicked Hyunjin's chair

Hyunjin gazed at seungmin and took his legs off, seungmin thanked the boy who helped him, as seungmin sat down he let out a shaky breath

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