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Seungmin had a good sleep last night, but hyunjin didn't, well he didn't even sleep. seungmin had everything ready for school, he opens his door and sees Hyunjin, also walking out of his room, seungmin was super nervous he simply nodded at him and left, hyunjin gazed at the boy as he walks off, he felt butterflies in his stomach again.

During Lunchtime seungmin had to study in the library for his test at the end of the day, he suddenly felt a pair of the arms wrapped around his waist, he turned around and sees

"JUN" Seungmin gasped, earning glares from everyone, seungmin quickly stood up and apologised and sat back down

"Jun, what are you doing here?" Seungmin asked been confused

"Well, you know I just got really bored and I really miss you," Jun said shyly while rubbing the back of his neck

Meanwhile, hyunjin was Happily skipping to the library to give seungmin lunch, since he heard from Felix that seungmin have not eaten.

He pushes the door open and was about to shout out seungmin's name, but when he sees a familiar figure sitting next to Seungmin, his mood suddenly did a 360 turn, he slowly walked towards seungmin... 

"Hi" Hyunjin Said

"Oh... umm... hyunjin.." seungmin said nervously

Hyunjin glared at Jun since his arms were on seungmin's waist.

Wait.... why do I care......... I don't like him bruh, why am I so angry...

"Sooo... I heard you studying here? For what subject? and also you should eat too" Hyunjin rumbled

"Well... I should've studied at home but you were really loud last night...so I had to skip my lunch" seungmin said. Hyunjin felt guilty that he was disturbed seungmin

"Min, if he's being too loud, then you should come to my house? Yeah? you can ask me for help too" Jun said while pulling seungmin closer, seungmin's face quickly turned red by Jun's words

Hyunjin was irritated, or jealous. without saying anything he left the library. He was mumbling to himself about how much he hates that Jun dude, hyunjin got back to the cafeteria and sat down angrily.

"What's wrong hyunjin?" Chan asked

"Nothing" hyunjin Said in an annoyed voice

"Just say it, you are clearly, not ok!" woojin said 

"Fine... just seungmin hanging out with that Jun guy... I hate him, he's so annoying, you guys should've seen the way he holds seungmin, and should have seen the way seungmin was blushing ehhhh fuck" hyunjin groaned

Everyone looked at each other and laughed

"I guess...hyunjin never heard the word jealousy," Felix Said while laughing

"What jealous???? Who's jealous... I'm not jealous.... whatttt! you guys are crazyyyy" hyunjin replied in a panic voice

"Don't panic Hyung, admit you like seungmin Hyung already" Jeongin replied while giggling

"Panic gay" Minho replied, everyone, start laughing out loud since they have never seen hyunjin panic or behaving like this before

"Who said I'm a panic gay" hyunjin glared 

"Because you are not a confident gay????" Jisung replied

"WHO SAID I'm gay in general" hyunjin shouted

"Everyone" woojin replied

Hyunjin was annoyed at his friend's, he stood up and left the cafeteria, bad luck to him he runs into seungmin and Jun right away, Jun had his arm around seungmin's shoulder this time, while the other hand was patting seungmin's head, seungmin was smiling softly.

I care // Seungjin 🔚Where stories live. Discover now