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After Jun was taken away, and everyone been questioned by the police about what happened. The rest of the night was spent at chan's house to keep Seungmin safe. Hyunjin was going to leave with his friends when mark stopped him

"Hyunjin, go solve your shits with your friends before coming back to me and Jackson" mark gave hyunjin a pat on the back and left with Jackson


Hyunjin and seungmin made eye contact, it was super awkward, hyunjin was nervous around Seungmin he was rubbing the back of his neck

"HYUNJIN! SEUNGMIN HURRY UP, we going to Chan's house" Felix screamed from afar

"C-coming" seungmin yelled back and grabbed onto Hyunjin's wrist, hyunjin was shocked, he never expected seungmin to hold his wrist, he was definitely not blushing

After seungmin catch up with his friends, he then realises he was still holding Hyunjin's wrist, he quickly let go and apologised

"S-sorry, I-I just..." seungmin said nervously without finishing his sentence hyunjin cut in

"Is fine" Hyunjin Replied

Seungmin gave hyunjin a nod, and when to Jeongin and Jisung, Jisung had his arm around seungmin's shoulder, even though Jisung is probably dating Minho, Hyunjin was still jealous, he wishes he could be the one.

Hyunjin aggressive groaned while staring at seungmin

"Why are you acting like this?" A voice came from next to hyunjin

"I don't know" Hyunjin Said

"So like...are you jealous?"


"Sure you're not hyunjin, then why are you acting like you care that Jisung is laughing with seungmin?"

"I- I...fine! Because I care about him, and I'm jealous okay... I care so much! Watching him not been mine makes me suffer so much!" Hyunjin sighed


Chan's house

"Is Everyone staying at my house tonight?" Chan asked

"Why not?" Minho replied

"Cool! Guess we have a fun night! I will order pizza and drinks" Felix Said while pulling Changbin to the kitchen to order food

"I-I-will find a movie with the chan Hyung," Jeongin Said while pulling Chan away

"...umm we will... find something," Minho Said pulling Jisung away from the living room to upstairs. which now only left with Hyunjin and seungmin alone in the living room

It was super quiet and awkward between them, after a few minutes of silence, seungmin sat down on the end of the couch with his phone, while hyunjin sat on the other end of the couch also with his phone.

Felix was peeking out from the kitchen door and he sighs after what he sees "Are they-umm you know......" Changbin looked at Felix

"Yap... awkward as fuck" Felix sighs again and when back to ordering food


After around 20 minutes everyone was back, they couldn't handle how awkward Seungjin were

"I finally picked a movie!!!!" Jeongin yelled

"What you pick?" Chan asked in excitement

"THE NUN" Jeongin Said

"The nun...THE WHAT! THE NUN????!! OH NO NO NO" Felix replied in a panic voice

"THE NUN! Yes the nun oh YES YES YES" Jeongin Replied while giggling at how scared his Felix was

Hyunjin didn't mind scary movies he took a glance at seungmin, seungmin's face was so pale after hearing it was "The nun", seungmin don't hate horror movies, but he doesn't like them.

Hyunjin wanted to protect the baby, wrap him in his arms, and shower him with kisses, but now he can't do that. He was showing how frustrated he was, and chan saw it. He smirked and said

"Hyunjin, go sit over there!! I wanna sit here with Jeongin" Chan Said while pointing near seungmin, hyunjin didn't mind it that much so he moved

After everyone saw chan's action they somehow immediately got the message and played along.

"I wanna sit next to chan Hyung!" Jisung said while dragging Minho with him, and that cause hyunjin to move even more closer to seungmin

"I want the Centre, is better because duh!food!" Felix Said while pulling Changbin to sit next to him, and that made hyunjin moved right next to seungmin

Seungmin was too scared to function, or even realise hyunjin was next to him, seungmin's shoulder was touching Hyunjin's arm, and it made hyunjin wanted to put his arm around the younger's waist so bad


The start of 'The Nun' was really interesting, seungmin enjoyed the start. But he still had no idea hyunjin was next to him.

In the middle of the movie, there are many jumps scares, seungmin will move even more closer to hyunjin, he kept thinking hyunjin was Jisung so he wasn't embarrassed or anything. But hyunjin was in a full panic mode he couldn't focus on the movie at all

The nun popped out and Seungmin jumped, he was holding onto Hyunjin's arm while his legs are on top of Hyunjin's lap

"Ji, why is your heart pounding so fast? and since when did you become so—" seungmin asked in a soft voice, he slowly looked up, but before he could finish his sentence, he realises it was hyunjin, he quickly moved away from hyunjin and blushed in deep red, Hyunjin gave him a smile, the smile may or may not melted seungmin's heart.

Seungmin was only wearing a short sleeve he was really cold since he moved away from the warm hyunjin. he starts shivering and hyunjin notice, he builds up his courage and softly said seungmin

"Come here," hyunjin Said while patted the spot front of his legs, seungmin shake his head in embarrassment, hyunjin didn't care, he dragged seungmin and placed him in between his legs, then pulled seungmin against his chest, seungmin could feel his body getting warmer because of Hyunjin

Hyunjin then grabbed a blanket next to him and placed it over seungmin and himself. Since it becomes warm, the younger starting to feel sleepy

Hyunjin then had his arms wrapped around seungmin's waist, while resting his chin on seungmin's right shoulder. Hyunjin's legs were right against seungmin's legs, but seungmin couldn't care less

Nearly at the end of the movie, hyunjin heard soft snore coming from seungmin, he smiled at the boy and hugged him tighter, hyunjin mumbled under his breathe that only himself could hear

I better enjoy this before I leave

This could be the last night I'm seeing you

I felt like your too good for me Min

Leaving is the best choice than staying with someone who doesn't love me

After the movie ended, mostly everyone was asleep, hyunjin looked around and realise he was the only one that's awake, he tries to stand up then forgot seungmin was front of him.

Somehow hyunjin managed to stand up without waking seungmin up, he then picks seungmin up and when upstairs to one of Chan's guest room

Hyunjin softly kicked the door open and place seungmin on the bed, he grabbed the blanket and put it over him, he couldn't hold himself but kiss seungmin on the forehead softly, he took the last stare before leaving

Hyunjin sighed and turned around about to head out, but then he got pulled back by a soft warm hand on his wrist

I care // Seungjin 🔚Where stories live. Discover now