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Back home

During dinner, it was super awkward, Hyunjin's mum was trying to bring up small conversations, but nothing is working. Hyunjin's mum kinda, maybe, understood what happened, but also not understanding what's going on at the same time.

After they finished dinner Ms Hwang asked seungmin to stay to have a few words.

"Ms Hwang do you need anything from me?" Seungmin asked

"I'm gonna be straight forward, did something happen between you and hyunjin? Both of you are so silent or awkward" Ms Hwang Said in a concerned voice.

Seungmin prefers her to not know what happened, because if he said he likes hyunjin then he perhaps will get into trouble since Hyunjin's parents might react badly towards him liking boys

"Oh...nothing I'm just really tired, maybe hyunjin is also tired," seungmin said giving Ms Hwang a smile, Ms Hwang knows seungmin is lying but she didn't want to push it to cause pressure towards him so she dropped it.

"Alright honey, you can go now, but if you need anything from me, I will be here," Ms Hwang said and patted seungmin's head before the boy left

Seungmin when upstairs, he walked towards his room and realise Hyunjin's door was open, but it was really quiet, seungmin couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he slowly walked towards Hyunjin's room, he sees hyunjin laying on his bed, with headphones in and sleeping.

Even though Hyunjin's eyes were close, but seungmin could still see his puffy eyes and red cheeks

Seungmin walked in the room, putting a blanket over hyunjin, so he won't catch a cold. seungmin then quietly walked out and gently closed the door behind him.

"Why is hyunjin crying?"

Seungmin had so many questions in his mind, he never expected hyunjin to will cry, he was too scared to ask and also because hyunjin ignored seungmin at school.

On the other hand, Hyunjin's was mentally screaming, he was awake the whole time when seungmin put the blanket on him, he was so ready to pull seungmin next to him and cuddle, but he knows seungmin will reject him since he doesn't like him.

Hyunjin then got up and turn off the music. "When you love someone by Day6"

Hyunjin begins listening to Day6 when he finds out seungmin loves their songs, he googled Day6 and realise one of the member Wonpil looked a lot like seungmin, soon after a few weeks listening to Day6, wonpil officially becomes Hyunjin's bias.

He got up from his bed, and find something warm to wear since he wanted to go out for a walk, he left his bedroom and took a glance at seungmin's room.

The younger was smiling at his phone, hyunjin quickly walked off thinking he might be texting Jun or Jeongin.

Hyunjin put on his shoes and told his mum he be taking a walk and will be back soon. Just as he got out of the house, he sees Jun walking towards him, he was on the urge to punch Jun for some reason, but he holds it back.

Jun smiled at him, but he ignored him and walked past him. once again he put in his headphone and start playing Day6

Hyunjin loves Wonpil's voice, and also his visual...Is definitely because it reminded him of seungmin, hyunjin walked towards a nearby convenience store and bought some food to eat, when he was about to walk out he saw a couple walking in

Oh look he looks like Wonpil hahaha

wait hahaha it is Wonpil



Hyunjin was definitely screaming in his head, he really wanted to go up to Wonpil and talk to him, so he builds up his confidence and walked towards them

"H...hi umm.. m-may I have a p-photo with you g-guys?" Hyunjin stuttered

"Sure" wonpil smiled at him.

Omg, why does he look so much like an older version of seungmin!! Wonpil finds hyunjin kinda familiar, so he asked the tall boy

"Have... I have seen you from somewhere?" Wonpil asked

"Hmmm well, I don't think so?"

"Ahh... sorry if I asked a weird question" Wonpil awkwardly smile

"Oh no no it's fine" hyunjin nervously rubbed the back of his neck

"Pil, ain't this kid the one your brother sent you?" Dowoon said

Hyunjin thought to himself... "brother? since when did wonpil have a brother"

"Oh wait... your right" Wonpil took out his phone and finds the picture, he looked just like the boy standing in front of him

"I'm sorry I'm gonna ask another question, but are you hmmm... well by any chance Mr Hwang's son? Hyunjin?" Wonpil asked

Hyunjin was panicking how did his idol know him?

"Yeah... I am Hwang Hyunjin" hyunjin Said

"OH WOW, you are even more handsome in realise life!!! My brother literally talk about you every day!" Wonpil Said while giggling

Hyunjin thought to himself
"Wait... I don't think I'm famous right??? I know I'm kinda popular at school, but since when I'm Popular enough for Wonpil's brother to know me"

"Hmm sorry... may I ask who your brother is?"

"Oh... did he not tell you, I'm pretty sure he has"

"Huh? Tell me...What??"

Wonpil looked at dowoon and back at Hyunjin

"you do know that I'm Seungmin's brother right?"

Hyunjin's Eyes widened, he was speechless by what he just heard

"YOU ARE SEUNGMIN'S BROTHER???" Hyunjin shouted

"Well yeah... Isn't it obvious? Haha, because we literally looked the same" Wonpil Said while laughing at the tall boy's reaction

Hyunjin's face quickly blushed in embarrassment, after a little convo with them, hyunjin discover Wonpil is going to visit seungmin today, so he decided to bring them back to his house,

On their way back, Wonpil's non-stop talking about how seungmin won't shut up about hyunjin. Hyunjin was blushing, he was thinking to himself maybe... seungmin does like me?

"Mum I'm home! I also bought someone else"

Ms Hwang walked out from the living room and sees Wonpil and dowoon

"Omg Wonpil and dowoon, I haven't seen you guys for so long, how have you guys being?" Ms Hwang excitedly hugged both of them

"Good is being so long since we've seen you too," Dowoon said and Wonpil nodded

"Wait, mum... you know them??" Hyunjin asked in confusion

"Well yeah, I watched them grow up, I'm really good friends with both of their mothers since we when to the same university," Ms Hwang Said while laughing at his confused son

"Btw Where's seungmin?" Wonpil asked

"Oh..he is umm upstairs," hyunjin Said

"Hyunjin can you please go get him," Ms Hwang Said while pulling both boys away from the living room, hyunjin didn't want to, but he had too.

He gently Knocked on seungmin's door, but he didn't get a response, so he opened the door, and sees.....

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