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Time skipped to weekends

Hyunjin was listing to music in his room, he then looked out the window and sees his Mum and...seungmin

Seungmin had flowers in his hand while smiling like a little child, he also made a flower crown for Ms Hwang, Hyunjin somewhat felt really warm by the scene, but soon he snapped out of his thoughts by kept on thinking he hates Seungmin

After another hour, hyunjin looked out the window and sees a tall man hugging seungmin, seungmin was also laughing with him, hyunjin felt irritated he was not happy. so he ran downstairs to see those two, Hyunjin start walking towards them, and got their attention... 

"You must be Mr Hwang's son? I'm Jun nice to meet you" Jun took out his hand but hyunjin ignored it

"Hyunjin be nice,"  seungmin said

"Oh? Who are you now? Controlling what I have to do? Awwww is seungmin protecting His BOYFRIEND? Cute" hyunjin said sarcastically

"H-he's not my Boyfriend" Seungmin said while looking down

Jun simply laughed "Funny joke, Mr Hwang" Jun gives seungmin a smile and a hugged him before leaving

Hyunjin was having non of it, he left and when back in the house, he was full of anger. Especially towards Jun, he gives off a bad vibe

Hyunjin when back to his room and start watching some TB shows till late at night, seungmin was trying to study but the sound coming from Hyunjin's room was too loud, he had to tell hyunjin to turn the sound lower

"What you want brat"

"I-I'm not a brat, and also can you please turn the sound a little lower I'- I'm trying to study for my test" seungmin said in a soft voice

"This is my house, I can do whatever I want" hyunjin replied back

Seungmin didn't know what else to say, so he sighs and closed Hyunjin's door gently, hyunjin turn the sound even louder. seungmin couldn't take it, so he when outside to study, the Hwang's Family have a small glass garden room outside, is full of flowers and a table, seungmin turn on the lights in the backyard and walked towards the room, and it caught Hyunjin's attention when the backyard lights got a turn on, he looked at his clock

"1:24 am..."

"Who the hell will go to the backyard now?" Hyunjin mumbled to himself and open the curtains to see, he then sees seungmin sitting in the room while reading, hyunjin felt slightly guilty, because of him being loud, seungmin had to study outside.

Why am I caring about him... what... no... I don't care about him... I! don't! care! about! him!

Hyunjin when back to watch his movie. After a long time he finally finished it and yawned, he then looked at the time 4:20 am already.

He then opens his curtains and sees seungmin is now sleeping in the room, hyunjin couldn't control himself to check on seungmin, so he when downstairs to the backyard, he walked in the small room and sees seungmin peacefully sleeping.

He didn't want to wake him up, but he also didn't want him to die here, so he picked seungmin up and headed back to the house, on his way back seungmin wrapped his arm around Hyunjin's neck, and his legs around Hyunjin's waist then hyunjin had his arms around seungmin's waist.

Hyunjin's heart was pounding fast, he can feel his face heating up, he is glad seungmin is asleep. After hyunjin opened seungmin's bedroom door, he smells and light scent of lavender.

He placed seungmin on the bed and a blanket over him, then turned around, but he got pulled back by the wrist, he turned around and sees swing in...

"Thank you Jinnie" seungmin mumbled and let hyunjin go

Hyunjin quickly runs off to his room and close the door, he was having butterflies in his stomach, seungmin was driving him crazy, he didn't know what that feeling is so he decided to text chan who is normally awake super early in the morning

Hyunjin check the time is already 5 am, he needs to go to school at 7 am, so he decided not to sleep, since he doesn't see the point of it

Chan Hyung...

Yes? And why are you awake at 5 am?!!

Long story short, I was watching a movie and forgot about time... and also something else distracted me and I need your help

Ohhhhh ok
what is it

(Btw at this point, everyone knows Hyunjin and Seungmin lives together, I just cbb mentioning it hehe)

Hmmm... actually can I call you is easier to explain


Incoming call from Hyunjin

"Hello" chan said

"Hi Hyung"

"What's wrong??" chan asked feeling concerned, as honestly, the boy was never awake this early unless there's something happening.

"Well, you see....(Hyunjin explains everything) Sooo... I don't even know anymore, he is driving me crazy"



"I hate to say this to you, but you are..." chan paused

"You are??"

"You are IN LOVE WITH SEUNGMIN" chan shouted from the other side of the phone


"Sure hyunjin, sure" Chan sighed


"hahahahah alright Hyunjin, I will talk to you later, is almost 7 am! Byeee"

"Ehhh bye Hyung"

I care // Seungjin 🔚Where stories live. Discover now