𝐒𝐈𝐗 - 🦊

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"Oh? you...know my son?" Ms Hwang asked

"Well... we...."

"We go to the same school, and the same class" Hyunjin replied with an annoyed voice 

"OH! That's even better!!" Ms Kim Said in enthusiasm

After a long talk Seungmin's father left, seungmin was literally scared and nervous to death by the fact that he's living in the same house as the evil hyunjin

*Ding Ding*

Seungmin checked his phone and sees a message from Felix

IS IT hyunjin????

Sadly yep.....

Ohhh that's ok Min, you'll be fineee
he won't do anything, he will ignore you trust me

I hope he does, well ttyl ❤️


Seungmin locks his phone and sees hyunjin giving him dead glares, Hyunjin's mum asked hyunjin to take seungmin to his bedroom and of course, he had to listen

The house was so huge, they have many guest bedrooms, but seungmin's room just had to be right across Hyunjins

"Your room" hyunjin pointed

"T-thank you" seungmin replied in a shy voice

"I can't believe out of everyone is you..... fucking annoying, don't fucking talk to me in this house, or even come to my room, I don't welcome you here, but I have to" hyunjin groaned

"S-sorry..." seungmin said while sobbing a little, he apologised to hyunjin when he did nothing wrong

Hyunjin saw seungmin's tears, and his heart aches slightly, but he still assumed he was annoyed at seungmin

He pushed seungmin against the wall, and wiped the tears off seungmin's face with his white tee, hyunjin was shocked at himself too, he had no idea why he did that, and where did that confidence even came from

"Stop crying already, my parents are going to kill me" hyunjin sound angry, and seungmin didn't reply him

Hyunjin then Let go of Seungmin and when to his room then slam the door closed. seungmin's heart was pounding really fast, his face was so red and he has butterflies in his stomach, he when to his own room and shut the door behind

Hyunjin on the other side was also panicking why he did that to seungmin the weird feeling kept coming back, so he starts listening to music to get rid of it.

There's no way I'm gonna fall for a dickhead

The next day

Seungmin woke up early to take a shower, he opened his door and sees a shirtless hyunjin also walking out of his room, seungmin was panicking his face turned really red, he quickly when back to his room and shut the door behind

"He- his B-Body..." seungmin mumbled while he swears his ears are burning, Hyunjin was confused but he didn't care

At school hyunjin was also the cold-hearted person he is, he when to the library to get rid of his thoughts.

He walked in and sees seungmin sleeping on the table with books front of him, somehow Hyunjin's body took control and made hyunjin sat right next to seungmin, hyunjin stared at the boy for a few seconds, he suddenly felt his heart start racing really fast

"Woh... what did my heart just do"

Hyunjin couldn't control himself and poked seungmin's cheeks, he heard from his friends that seungmin's cheeks are really soft and it was true.

Seungmin felt someone touching his face and thought it was Felix or Jisung, so seungmin grip the hand and mumbled in a soft voice

"Don't poke me", soon he fell back asleep while holding onto Hyunjin's hand, hyunjin was half dead, his face was blushing and heart was pounding fast...

He starts questioning himself

"Do...do I have fe-feelings for him???"

"Nooo, way... I hate him nope"

"I will never have feelings for him, especially him! NEVER!"

Meanwhile, outside the library, everyone was watching them, everyone as in chan, woojin, Changlix, minsung and Jeongin, they were laughing at Hyunjin's reaction towards seungmin.

"I think hyunjin might...."

"Start liking him"

Felix and Jisung hi-five each other, after sharing the same brain cells, everyone else also agreed with what Felix and Jisung said

I care // Seungjin 🔚Where stories live. Discover now