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..Month later...

Nothing really changed, Hyunjin was still the same, ignoring his friends and family, not coming to school and so on. After school, everyone except Hyunjin when out to watch a movie


"It was such a good movie, I cried so much" Jeongin Said while still sobbing

When suddenly Seungmin screamed, everyone turned and looked at a man wearing a mask holding onto seungmin's wrist. chan was about to fight, but he pulled out a knife

"If you come near us, I will kill him now right now," the man said while holding the knife right against seungmin's throat, Seungmin recognises the voice, is super familiar then a person popped up in his mind

"J-Jun?" Seungmin said

"Baby, you are mine! You're not going anywhere, if you go home with me I won't hurt you or your friends" he said and took off his mask revealing his face


"Indeed, I'm back," Jun said while smiling

"Let me go!" Seungmin yelled, strangers who were watching called the police, but is taking too long for the police to get here, Felix was so ready to fight him, but he got pulled back by Chan

"Hey Lix, calm down, don't jinx anything," chan said while holding Felix back before Felix actually kill Jun

(Mad respect for Black belt Felix lee tho)

Is being a whole five minutes, everyone was silent, Jun still has his knife against seungmin's throat.


"Omg is so scary"

"Did you guys see??? That man was trying to kill a student"

"I hope the police get here soon, is being too long"

"Is someone gonna do something???"

Hyunjin and his friends walked past a punch a people saying some weird things, so one of Hyunjin's friend decide to ask what happened

"Hey, I wanna ask what you guys are talking about?" A tall handsome boy asked one of the girls

"Oh, well over there...." the girl pointed, "A man had a knife against a boy's throat is being like five minutes, no one is doing anything about it, and the police isn't here too," the girl said shyly

"Thanks" The tall boy winked at the girl and left

"Mark, hurry up stop flirting," another boy said while dragging mark away

"Hyunjin wanna go see what's up?" The other boy asked

"Meh... I'm not interested but sure" hyunjin replied without showing any interest, but inside he felt something weird that he couldn't describe with words.

"Now you the one should hurry up Jackson," Mark said while throwing away his cigarette on the ground.

"Want another one?" Jackson asked while handing mark a new cigar

"You want me to die or what?" Mark yelled back at Jackson

"Nvm, yo hyunjin want one?" Jackson asked hyunjin, without replying hyunjin took the cigar out of the box and light it up

He slowly walked towards the scene the girls were talking about, the closer it gets, the more anxious he is, till he sees some familiar faces, he walked closer, and he sees chan, he was panicking, then he looked where chan was staring and he spotted...

Jun and Seungmin

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