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Hyunjin gently Knocked on seungmin's door, but he didn't get a response, so he opened the door, and sees.....

He sees, Jun cuddling with seungmin, seungmin was sleeping peacefully next to jun, and jun was playing with seungmin's hair, Jun's back was facing back at hyunjin so he couldn't see hyunjin was standing by the door

Hyunjin was mad and upset, wonpil walked upstairs since hyunjin was taking too long, he sees hyunjin standing front of seungmin room and he yelled Hyunjin's name, hyunjin turn to Wonpil with tears going down his face, Wonpil quickly runs towards the boy and was about to ask what happened, when he sees Jun and seungmin cuddling.

Wonpil immediately knew what happened so he hugged the crying boy.

Jun turned around and sees hyunjin and Wonpil, he quickly got off the bed, and grabbed his stuff, as he was about to walk out the door, Wonpil grabbed his wrist

"You know your limit Jun. Don't do stupid things," Wonpil Said and let him go

Before Wonpil say something else, Jun grabbed Hyunjin by his hoodie and pulled him closer

"You will never get to have him" Jun whispered into Hyunjin's ear and pushed him away. Hyunjin was angry, he clenched his fists and punched Jun in the stomach

Jun took a step back and groaned in pain, he glared at Hyunjin and throw a fist towards Hyunjin's face. Wonpil yelled at them and told them to stop.

The loud noise made everyone ran upstairs including Seungmin waking up.

"GET OUT! Get out of my house Jun!" Me Hwang shouted

"Fuck you," Jun said to Hyunjin before fixing his shirt and left

"Don't fuck around in my house ever again, or I won't let you see sunlight again" Hyunjin fought back. Jun snorted and laughed

"GET OUT" Mr Hwang yelled at Jun once again, soon their security guard dragged Jun out of the house, Hyunjin walked back to his room and shut the door really loud behind him. Seungmin was sitting on his bed, not knowing what to do.

Wonpil when into seungmin's room alone, since he told everyone else to leave them he closes the door behind him

"Hyung..." seungmin said while sobbing

"It's okay min, can I ask you a question?" Wonpil asked


"You always talk about Hyunjin... do you like him?"

Seungmin's face slightly turned red from embarrassment, he then slowly nodded "Then, what's up with you and Jun? Why was he on your bed?" Wonpil asked, but he didn't get a reply

"I- I don't know... I didn't even know he was on my bed..." Seungmin said. "You didn't know?" Wonpil furrowed his brows and Seungmin nodded. Wonpil clenched his fist, he knew there was something wrong with Jun from the start

Flashback time :)

Wonpil never hated Jun, but he never liked that boy, there was something about him that always made wonpil feel uncomfortable...

For instance,  Wonpil once walked into Jun taking seungmin's photos from their photo binder, although he questions it at first.

But things starting to get very strange. He remembers one night seeing Jun standing in front of seungmin's bedroom door, saw seungmin's photo in Jun's wallet, seeing Jun's phone wallpaper as seungmin.

He also remembers dowoon once said he saw Jun walking into the bathroom while Seungmin was showering, but he didn't question it too much, as maybe Seungmin forgot something and asked Jun to bring it in

One last thing that made Wonpil very much uncomfortable was when he saw Jun putting something in Seungmin's room. He when and check and realise it was a hidden spy camera, he quickly took it off and threw it away.

Wonpil doesn't want to go to America, it wasn't that he wanted to stay with dowoon, it was because he doesn't feel safe with seungmin staying with Jun, he wasn't his brother away from Jun.

Wonpil told his mother what Jun has done those years, but somehow she realise the strange behaviour of Jun already but hasn't said anything yet

This time when the Kim Family when to America for five Months, Jun was supposed to go with them, but he rejected the offer and said he want to stay with seungmin and look after him

Flash back ends

After seungmin heard what Wonpil Said about Jun's behaviour he suddenly remembered the things he also finds strange about jun

Once seungmin saw the pyjamas he lost for a while was in Jun's room. Jun also have a very similar bracelet almost identical to the one his mom gave to him, he accidentally saw Jun's camera roll was full of videos and photos of someone, he thought it was his family...but it was probably seungmin, Seungmin suddenly got shivers down his spine, he looked at Wonpil in fears

"Is he... stalking... me?" Seungmin said in a soft voice

"Pretty Sure, but don't worry. you're safe at Hyunjin's house, but the only problem here is.. hyunjin is really mad"

"But why is he mad? Is not like he cares" seungmin said while looking down

"Min... are you really that dumb? You can clearly tell hyunjin likes you too..." Wonpil sighed

"Really? You think hyunjin likes me too?"


Seungmin smiled softly knowing Hyunjin might feel the same way he felt about him

On the other hand, Hyunjin was pissed, he never felt so angry in his lifetime, he wanted to fight Jun so bad. Hyunjin called a friend for help, but he didn't even pick up his phone

"Fucking hell!" Hyunjin shouted

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