𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 - 🐹

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"Hyunjin stop being a salty bitter asshole and say something," Chan said smack hyunjin on the arm

"Why? I don't want to be friends with him.." Hyunjin rolled his eyes  

"HWANG HYUNJIN!" Woojin yelled "be nice"

Hyunjin groaned in annoyance, he then stood up from his spot and left the cafeteria, seungmin became certainly disenchanted, he wants to be friends with hyunjin, however, the boy just doesn't like him without giving a reason

After a long day, wonpil met seungmin front of the school and asked seungmin how was first today, seungmin greeted him with a smile and said it was a good day, he has also met new friends, even though there was an unfriendly one

Soon once the two boys arrived home, the first thing they saw was their parents sitting on the couch while looking concerned

"What's wrong mum?" wonpil asked worriedly

"Please sit down, we have things to say" Mr Kim Said in a serious voice

Seungmin and wonpil both looked at each other and sat on the couch front of their parents, it was silent for a minute before Mr Kim spoke

"Boys, me and your mother needs to go back to LA for about 5 months"

"What? Why?" Wonpil asked confused as they just came back not long ago

"Your dad's business in LA isn't doing so well compare to the ones here in Korea, it isn't a big issue, but they do want both of us there just in case," Ms Kim said

"Wait, then..... what about us? do we have to come with you guys too?" Wonpil and seungmin both asked

"You guys don't need to, but we don't feel safe with you guys staying in this house, so we will be asking one of your father's good friend Mr Hwang to take care of you guys for the next 5 months or so" Ms Kim Said

"I can go live with my Boyfriend tho so I'll be fine," Wonpil said

Their parents nodded, however, seungmin needed to go live with Mr Hwang for a while, although seungmin didn't mind it that much...but he also did mind a little

"Also I know Mr Hwang has a son that's your age, maybe you guys could become good friends" Ms Kim Said while smiling at seungmin, seungmin simply smiled back but he felt anxious every time he hears "Hwang" it sounds very familiar

After a long talk with their parents, seungmin needed to pack his things for the next few months staying at Mr Hwang's house starting from tomorrow.
After packing seungmin was lying on his bed when suddenly he Jumped up

"HWANG HYUNJIN, HOLY SHIT" seungmin yelled

"THERE'S NO WAY! PLEASE DONT BE HIM, he already hate me so much" seungmin muttered to himself while biting his fingers feeling uneasy about this "Hwang Freind" his dad has

He was praying not to be Hyunjin, or he will literally die.

On the other side, at Hwang's Family

"WHAT? Kim's Son, Why does he have to stay with us?"

"Hyunjin, Listen, he's your father's good friend, but because of their Business matter no one could take care of their younger son, so their younger son will have to live with us just for just a few months" Ms Hwang Said

".....wow out of everyone, it has to be us" Hyunjin chuckled bitterly

"Please son, be nice to the boy ok?" Ms Hwang asked

"Yeah, yeah yeah...." Hyunjin sighed and when back into his room

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