chapter two

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"Quinn. Long time no see." Gibbs remarks with a smirk on his face. "How ya been?" Sienna waves with a smile on her face.

"I've been better. I bet you know why." Quinn replies in a sing-songy tone.

Gibbs just chuckles before saying, "Bishop, find out what Amanda knows. McGee, check with JAG. Campbell's cases, past and present. Let's take a walk," and he walks away with Agent Quinn.

Before McGee walks away, he watches as Sienna walks back to her desk but doesn't go on her computer; she just zoned out.

"Sienna? Are you sure you're okay?" She snapped out of it once again.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. I'm just a little distracted right now. But it's fine." Sienna waves it off as she types on the keyboard.

"I get that. Does it have to do with the new agent, perhaps?" McGee treads carefully as Sienna stiffens up slightly.

"You could say that," Sienna replies after thinking about her answer.

"Aren't you excited! There's going to be a new male agent added to the team!" Sienna gives him a 'really' look which makes him pause in thought. "Okay, maybe I'm a little too excited about that. But why exactly aren't you enthusiastic about this? You usually are."

"No, you're right, Tim. I usually am, but when I heard earlier about the new agent and how he was described, I couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic... and maybe a bit scared." Sienna frowned a bit as she looked up to the senior agent.

Before McGee could question her further, her phone rang. Sienna picked up immediately.

"Agent Lewis." She chimed. Tim raises an eyebrow as she nods her head.

"Okay, I'll be right down." Sienna puts the phone back on the holder.

"Ducky says he has something." McGee nods as he heads in the opposite direction to get started on his assignment.

Sienna walks towards the back elevator to go down to the exam room. She pressed the button to go down as she walked into the metal shaft and down she went.

The elevator let her out a few seconds later and she walked through the automatic sliding doors where Dr. Mallard was testing Dr. Palmer, who was surrounded by case files and was rambling about one.

"August 1988. Chief Lawerence Dunphy." Dr. Mallard, or Ducky, said.

Dr. Palmer, or Jimmy, pauses and closes his eyes to think. "Uh, Navy diver, found in Virginia Beach, shot through the heart with his own harpoon gun."

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