chapter four

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(there isn't much gifs of Nick and they didn't apply to this chapter, so here's Sienna :))

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(there isn't much gifs of Nick and they didn't apply to this chapter, so here's Sienna :))

"Hey, Sienna. It's really great to see you." Nick says to the girl he fell in love with eight years ago. Her face was filled with pure shock and disbelief, and he couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

He watched as she gave him a small smile before running off somewhere else in the office. He turns around to look at the other agents in the room with confusion written all over his face.

"Was it something that I said?" Nick questions with a naive tone. Ellie just shook her head and opened up her snacks.

"I'm not going to get involved unless I have to," Ellie states simply before there was a sound of the crunch of her chips.

Nick then looks to McGee. "What do you know, probie?" McGee looks straight up at him, somewhat offended.

"Hey, no one gets to call me that. I'm the Senior Field Agent." McGee attempts to scare him, but Nick just looks amused.

"Can anyone tell me why Sienna just ran off? She never would when it was just us." Nick looks to everyone. When he lands on Quinn and she just sighs, thinking over her words carefully.

"Nick, you need to understand something. I know you guys were close, maybe closer than I thought. But you need to realize that you've had no contact with her for 8 years! That's a lot of time to make up. So yeah, things are going to be a little awkward for her because she hasn't seen you in a long time. But I know that deep down, she's happy to see you alive and well. Just give her some space and allow her to get comfortable around you again." Quinn rambles.

"I guess you have a point, Quinn. You have no idea how much I liked her back then." Nick sighs absentmindedly.

"I have some sort of idea." Remarks Quinn. "With the looks you always gave her, I'm sure you liked her a lot." Nick waves her off and says, "no, not even close."

"Come along. All of you. I'll debrief you on the way." Gibbs commands as he walks by.

"Wait! What about Sienna?" Ellie questions as Gibbs looks back and doesn't see her there.

"Tell her to meet us there. Send her the address." Gibbs then pushes the elevator button to go down.

Ellie made sure Nick didn't catch her looking at him, but she noticed how he acted when she mentioned Sienna. He looked around for her in an almost concerning manner.

That's when Ellie thought ahead of herself: maybe he still likes her after all these years.


Sienna observed the scene unfolding outside as she sat at a table with a drink in hand. She was the backup for Nick, despite her complaining. She took sips of her martini that she ordered from the bar and watched as Nick stood tall as an older man wearing a suit got out of a car, the door held open by the valet man. She had a small microphone placed in her left ear that allowed her to hear everything that was going on outside, as well as everyone else on the coms.

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