chapter three

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Sienna stood there with her mouth hanging as she was trying to process what Bishop just said aloud

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Sienna stood there with her mouth hanging as she was trying to process what Bishop just said aloud. Gibbs sighed as he strode away as he muttered under his breath, "Gotta see what Vance knows."

Sienna was mentally freaking out as she paced up and down the center of the aisle, raising concern from the three agents standing/ sitting there. She then started muttering things to herself; which was also a concerning factor. She would usually never do these things unless something really bothered her; which rarely happened.

"Sienna? What's going on? Are you okay?" Ellie's voice is laced with concern. She watched Sienna pace up to her desk while shaking her head.

"No, Ellie. I'm not okay right now." Sienna's voice cracks slightly.

"What's going on? Do you need a snack from the vending machines?"

"Oh, I think I know what this is about," Quinn comments as Sienna's eyes widen in response and she shook her head side to side rapidly.

"Quinn, no. I assure you that it's not that. It's something different." Sienna tries to get out of this without revealing her true feelings to everyone else in the room. One thing that Sienna can do is lie straight to your face and no one would know until later.

"Oh no, Sienna. I remember how you react when someone knows something that you don't want anyone to know about." Quinn says while smirking slightly. Well, maybe she's not hiding her emotions well this time.

"Quinn, shut up please," Sienna begs.

"What is she talking about, Si?" Tim questions with an eyebrow raised. She turns to him and opens her mouth slightly but catches herself and doesn't say anything. Sienna feels very conflicted now. Yeah, she's known McGee for four years and Ellie for three years. But should she tell them about this little crush that she had on Agent Nick Torres years ago? Maybe, maybe not. She doesn't know if she really does like him now.

Something tells her to tell them because she trusts them with her life. Sienna sighs as she looks to both of them. "Okay, I'll tell you both because I trust you to not go telling others." She gestures them to follow her to the window-filled wall, away from a lot of people.

"What's Agent Quinn talking about, Sienna?" Ellie whispers.

"Okay, I don't know if I told you this, but back when I was at FLETC, I was always going head-to-head with Nick. Cause we were so competitive when it came to who can run this distance faster or who can flirt with the opposite gender the most."

Ellie cringed slightly. "Really? You guys did that? Who won?"

"I actually don't know, but let's say I did. But anyways, even though we were so competitive, we were actually pretty good friends. You can say we were close friends. We hung out a lot and talked about the most random things you can think of. We just clicked, ya know?" Sienna paused to observe reactions from the two agents standing in front of her. They both nod their heads, gesturing her to continue.

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