chapter seven

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Sienna, Nick, and Gibbs find themselves standing on the other side of the glass mirror that allows them to see into the investigation and the suspect, but the suspect can't see them

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Sienna, Nick, and Gibbs find themselves standing on the other side of the glass mirror that allows them to see into the investigation and the suspect, but the suspect can't see them.

Nick is constantly glancing at Sienna who has a bandage on the right side of her face when she was punched. She didn't realize earlier on that she was bleeding until Nick pointed it out to her. 'The bodyguard must've had some rings on him, or something.' Sienna winced at the thought.

Her fingers were slightly coated in blood when her fingers felt it and she shrugged.

"Sienna, you need to get that covered up." Nick commanded earlier as he got extremely close to her to observe her head injury.

"Okay I will! Just stop touching me!" Sienna yells at him and he backs off. "Sorry," he mutters and Sienna sighs.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. You were just checking up on me and acting very concerned."

"Well..." Nick trails off and Sienna's mouth drops. "No, not what you're thinking. I figured if I act nice to you, it'll soften you so we can talk about what happened."

"Wow... and here I am thinking that you actually are concerned about my well-being. Nick, just treat me like any normal human being and just say something if you have something to say." Sienna turns on her heel to walk to the ambulance that was across the street, checking on the patients.

Back in the interrogation room, Leo Silva sat in the guilty chair while Tim and Ellie were interrogating him. They had a lot of evidence pinned against him and charges also. A charge for conspiring to kill an agent is one for sure.

"The evidence against you is irrefutable, Mr. Silva. You're going away for a long time." McGee starts off.

"For what?" Silva plays dumb. "For being the father of a misguided son? I'm in shock over David's actions."

"Agent Torres says you were the one pulling David's strings." Ellie says while flipping through the case file that sat in front of her.

"So why doesn't Agent Torres question me himself? And tell him to bring Agent Lewis in as well." Silva peers over McGee's shoulder to look at the reflection.

"Can't face me, pendejo? Or can't face the truth? Which one is it, Miguel?" Silva chuckles as he re-adjusts himself in the chair and looks at both agents.

"Whatever information he gave you about my affairs in Argentina means nothing. You have no jurisdiction."

"What about your plans to assassinate Justice Fernandez on U.S. soil?" McGee questions with a slight smirk in his expression.

"As I told you, that was all David's doing. I played no part in it." Sienna rolls her eyes behind the mirror. 'Of course he would say that.'

"A father turning on his son, that's cold." Ellie remarks as she sits back in her chair. Silva's smirk turns into a grim look. "Almost as cold as a daughter turning on her father." Silva's smug grim dropped right after she said that. Ellie has him now.

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