Chapter 6

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Arias POV

"Do you want more of this?" Ezra asked, pointing to a mostly eaten croissant. I shook my head. "Aria you had one bite, you have to be hungry" Ezra continued.

I looked up at him, "no thanks".

"Are you okay?" Ezra asked, concerned.

"I can't believe she's dead" I breathed out.

"Hey" he said, placing his hand on mine, "she did torture you junior year remember".

I shook my head. "Yeah, but she was actually a really great friend after all that, I mean she gave us so many answers that we would have never figured out. She knows.... knew how to do everything!" I told him.

"You and your friends will figure it out Aria, you've figured so much out already" Ezra spoke.

I looked down. I know this sounds crazy, but I missed Mona. Not just for her answers, but for her fierce personality.

"I need to tell the police about Shana" I said.

Ezra almost choked on the croissant he was eating, "Aria-"

I cut him off "no I need to tell them before they figure it out for themselves and peg me as some type of manslaughterer".

"Aria you can't just tell them part of the truth. If you're going to tell the police, you and the other girls have to tell them the whole story".

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