Chapter 16

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Hanna's POV

I took the pregnancy test out of my garbage can and unwrapped the tissue covering it. A tear rolled down my cheek. I had to tell him.

I dialled his number into my phone and pressed it against my ear.

"Hey Han" Caleb said happily.

I tried my hardest not to sound like I was crying, "Caleb....?"

"Are you alright Hanna?" he asked, not as oblivious to my tears.

"Can you come over? I need to talk to you" I said.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon... I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said before hanging up.

How was I going to tell him this? I played out different situations in my mind, but when he knocked on my bedroom door I forgot everything I had planned.

I could see the doorknob twisting slowly, then the door opened cautiously and Caleb's head poked through.

"Hey" he said walking toward me quickly, putting his hands on my arms, "what's the matter?"

I squeezed the test behind my back and closed my eyes. I handed him the pregnancy test, then put my clenched hand to my mouth, waiting to see what he would say.

He took the test and looked at it, then looked up at me, "you're pregnant?"

I nodded, still crying quietly.

One of Caleb's hands was on his forehead and he looked a little pale, and very shocked. He took one step towards my night side table.

I sat on my bed, scared of his response, I took a deep breath.

Caleb quickly walked toward me and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a tight hug.

He unwrapped his arms but held onto my hand and got down on his knees, "Han, you're going to be okay" he tried.

I shook my head and squeezed his hand "what am I supposed to do?" I asked helplessly.

"We don't need to figure all that out right now" he explained "I love you Hanna".

I smiled, put my hands on his face and kissed him.

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