Jack Avery food poisoning

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Corbyn's pov
"Hey, guys wanna go out to eat?" I asked the boys. "Let's go to Pizza hut!" Zach yelled happily. Me and the others laughed. "Ok." I said smiling. We got our shoes on and got in the car. We played Unbelievable full volume in the car. It was a really loud car journey. When we arrived at pizza hut, Zach and Jack ran inside. We chuckled at their silliness. Zach and Jack picked our table. We sat down and Jonah went up to order our food. A few minutes later, Jonah came back to our table. "Is it just me or, does this place smell weird?" Jonah asked. "It does smell a bit... off." I said sniffing the air. "I just checked the review and it's a 2.3 star rating." Daniel told us looking at his phone and then at us. "Ewwww." Zach said. "That's gross." Jack said with a disgusted look on his face. About 15 minutes later, a waitress gave us our pizza. "Why is the service so slow?" Jack asked grabbing a slice of pizza. I shrugged also grabbing a slice. We started to eat the pizza. When we finished, we got back in the car. Jack was looking very pale on the way home. "Hey, Jack you don't look very well." Daniel said worriedly. "No, I'm fine." He said showing a fake smile. Daniel nodded but, he still looked worried. When we arrived home, Jack was asleep. Jonah picked him up and carried him inside. Jonah took him upstairs to his room.

Jonah's pov
I carried Jack up to his room. He looked so pale, and just not himself. I laid him on his bed and put the duvet on him. I was about to leave when I heard a groan. I looked over to see Jack sitting up in bed. "Jack, you need to rest, lay back down." I tell him. "Sick." He said before rushing into the bathroom. I hear him gag twice and then throw up. I wait for him to finish throwing up. He came out of the bathroom pale as a ghost with bags under his eyes. "Come on, bro let's get you back into bed." I said as he crawled back into bed. I put the covers on him, again and left the room. I went to see where the others were. They were all sitting at the table in the kitchen. "Where's Jack?" Corbyn asked. "He's sick so, he's resting." I replied sitting next to Zach and Daniel. Suddenly, there was a loud groan. "I'll go check." I said going upstairs. I entered Jack's room to see that he'd thrown up on the floor. "Sorry." He said as he began to cry. "It's ok, Jack." I said. Then I spotted that he'd got some vomit on him too. "How about you take a shower and I'll clean this up." I tell him. He nods and goes to take a shower. About 15 minutes later, Jack came out of the shower with sweat pants and a Why don't we t-shirt on. The vomit was all gone so he climbed back into bed. "Now, try and rest." I say smiling. He nods and smiles weakly back. I leave the room and close the door behind me. I'm just hoping he feels better soon.

Sorry it's short but, I hope you enjoyed it. Until the next chapter, bye people!

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