Zach Herron Anorexia

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Hi, sorry it's been so long. I just, keep running out of ideas lol. Requested by: User65172321

Zach's pov
Fat. All I see on me is fat. I look in the mirror. Fat. I post a pic on Instagram of me. Fat. I eat. Fat. I don't get how the boys do it. They eat whatever they want, and they stay super skinny! "Hey Zach, get ready. We're going out to eat." Corbyn says entering my bedroom. Oh crap."O-Ok." I say nodding. I start to get ready and then rush downstairs to see the boys waiting for me. "Come on." Jonah says as we go out to the car and climb in. "Can't we walk instead?" I ask. "No, it's a bit to long." Jonah says. I sigh sadly and start to think about how much weight I must be putting on right now. We finally arrive at the restaurant and we head inside to order. "I'll get the chicken." Jonah says. "I'll get the chicken soup." Corbyn says and Jack orders the same. "Hmmmm..... I'll get the pepperoni pizza." Daniel says. "And for you?" The waitress asks me. "Me? Oh ummm...... Nothing thanks." I reply and she nods before walking away. "Nothing?" Corbyn asks confused. I nod looking down. "You need to eat something." Jack says. I sigh angrily and leave the table. I head to the bathroom and go into a cubicle and lock it. I cant eat anything, or I'll be even more fat. I'm going to loose weight and I don't care what the boys think. It's my life, my decision. I leave the bathroom and see the boys were just finishing eating. "Come on, Zach. We're going home now." Jack says smiling. I nod and rush up to them. We climb into the car and head home. As soon as we get home, I rush inside and go up to my room. "Ugh, how else can I loose weight fast?" I mutter to myself. Then, I get an idea. How about if I exercise? That could work. I heard that sit ups help loose belly fat. I start to do sit ups. About 15 minutes later, I was getting tired so, I stopped doing them. I lifted up my shirt but, didn't see much of an improvement. I sighed sadly and decided to just go to bed.

3 days later
Corbyn's pov
I've noticed something off about Zach. I rarely see him eat at all and he's always in his room. That not the Zach I know. I go upstairs to ask him what's going on. I go upstairs and into his room to see him doing sit ups. "Zach?" I ask worriedly. He jumps and stands up. Oh my gosh, his arms around so skinny! "Zach, why haven't you been eating?" I ask worriedly. His bottom lip starts to tremble. "No, no, no, don't cry. It's ok, don't cry." I say gently and hugging him. He starts to cry on to my shoulder. Oh my gosh, his spine is poking out so much! "Zach your so skinny." I say as I stop hugging him.  "I'm so sorry, Corbyn. I'm just so fat." He says through tears. I pick him up and carry him downstairs. I place him on a chair at the kitchen table. "Guys, Zach needs to say something." I tell them. They all sit down with me at the table. "I haven't been eating lately because, I'm fat." Zach explains sadly. "Ok, one your not fat and two, you could of killed yourself." Jonah says to him. "I know and I'm sorry." Zach says as he starts to cry again.

2 weeks later
Corbyn's pov
I'm so proud of Zach. He's been getting much better now. He's eating full meals now and he's not worried about his weight. His weight is back to normal now.

Hiiiiiii. This was a request. I hope you enjoyed this bye people.

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