First Day

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"Sam come on sleepy head" tony was sitting on the side of my bed. We had moves because dad needed to get a new house for his job. We moved from Sunny to Davgio in a week and to day was our first day of school at Davgio Second High. We didn't move around much.

"Sam. really time to get up." I sat up and looked at my alarm clock. It was 8:00.

"crap, we gotta go soon." tony hopped off my bed and I jumped up. Tony walked out of my bedroom and I my dresser my uniform was folded up in my top draw. The school colours were green and white. I got dressed and nixed my hair into a messy bun and I put a pink ribbon tied up into a bow around the bun. I walked down stairs and saw Tony drinking out of the purple mug I brought her. "here's dad?" I asked She pointed to a yellow sticky note on the frige door. I walked over to.see what it had written on it.

Girls, im out for the day. I hope you have lots of fun and your mother would proud of you guys.


Mum die 3 years ago on my 14th birthday, she die from a drunk guy going throw a red light. I started to think about what her last words were to me.

'Happy birthday sweetie' Tony pulled me from my thourght

"Sam? Were you listing to me?"

"Sorry. What we're you saying?" I said as I was clearing my throat.

"are we going to walk or drive to school?" she asked.

"I guess driving would be nice." it was going to be 39°c by the time school finished and I wasn't in the mood for walking in mega hot heat.


We arrived at school at about 8:25 we needed to be at the frount desk by 8:30 Tony said it's better to arrive early rather than late. We walked into the office but before we did Tony said to let her do all the talking. I was okay with that any way. We both walked up the the office and Tony waited for the lady to.get off the phone. I was looking around the small white room it was filled with trophies and pitchers I kept scanning the room when my eyes hit to boys. They looked like they were related, but one looked older than the other. I quickly looked back at the front desk when the lady got off the phone.

"hello lady's what can I do for you today?" she said this a really nice welcoming smile.

"hello Miss were new here. We were ment to be here to pick up out classes." Tony said.

"ahh that's right you to must be the Creep girls. But wait it says on of you are and another one says swan." she looked confused.

"yes that's right. Im Tony Creep and this is Sam Swan. Sorry." She gave the lady a really apologetic smile. The lady shock her head .

"it's alright im Miss Solaire, im the Chaplin, you can talk to me time you want to talk. Here are your school classes. This to helpful men will be your guide for a week. Welcome to blight high" Miss Solaire handed us a peace of paper each. We wales over to the boys I saw before. They stood up and asked for our names.

"Im Tony and this is Sam." Tony said in a cheerful voice.

"hi Tony and Sam im lachy and this is my brother Ben, Sam ypu will going with Ben and Tony should will be coming with me." Tony went one way with lachy and Ben led me the other way.

"so Sam what do you have first?" I looked down at the peace of paper.

"umm English." he looked down at the paper like he didn't belive me.

"sorry I needed to know witch class room. That's my English room as well. We have the same class." he kept walking up a flight of stairs and into a class room on the left. The class was already getting started. Ben knocked on the door once before opening it. The teacher fell silent and the students looked up at Ben and I.

"hello sir, sorry we are late. This is Sam she's new." he said in a strong voice.

"well Benjamin you to can sit in the back with Sam from now on." he nodded and walked into.the.seats at the back. I followed him and sat on one of the seats. They were cold.and gave me a bit of a chill. Ben and I sat there in silents untill the teacher walked out of the room.

"So Sam, were are you from?" Ben asked

"im from Daygio." his face lit up in a big smile

"did you know a Ryan Sing?" he said.

"yeah I did know him, he was in the 10b tho." his smile dropped a little. But it was still there.

"so your the Sam that put green paint all over the teachers lounge" that was true. But so what it was April fools, they got over it.

"yeah that was me." I couldn't help but smile at that. It was a good day that day I did it. We kept talking about our favorite things and what we like doing on the weekends. People came up to me and said hi and told me what there names were. I wonder how Tonys first day went.

The rest of the day went on the same. Ben and I talked about our selfs and we talked about our family to. Ben had a younger sister as well. Her name was Isabel, she was 5 years old and just starting primary school.he had split parents, he didn't see his mother anymore because she didn't want anything to do with his dad. So she left the whole family. All he knew about ne was that I lived with my dad and sister and that my mother die 3 years ago. He introduced me to some oh his mates and there girlfriend's.

Later.when the bell.wen for home time I met Tony out the frount of her car. It took her a little while to get there. When she finley arrived we both dumped out bags in the boot and jumped in the frount.

"how's was it?" I asked her.

"it was FANtastic!" she said with a huge smile "how wa it for you.

"Amazing!" it really was amazing. This school was grate. I just hope we can stay at this one.

We drove home talking about out day and what we did. When we pulled up out the frount of the house. She unlocked to boot and we grave our bags. We walked to the door and I unlocked it with my key that I had. When we walked in we went to our own rooms and didn't come back out untill we were hungry. We ordered some pizza and eat that for dinner. We than went back to our rooms and went to sleep.

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