It Was An Accident

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I woke up in a veary smashed car. I could here a car horn going. What the hell happend? My sight was veary blurred but was slowly coming back, so was my hearing. I looked over the dash bord to see a different car, that had smashed all the frount. The car was facing us. I looked o ed to my right to see Tony laying her head on the car wheel. She had blood dripping down her face.

"Tony?" I tryed to say but it came out all carckled. I could now here a bit more. I heard crying competing from outside and people yelling out.

"Miss? Can you hear me?" I could hear a man's voice. I looked to my left and he was leaning on the car door. I nodded my head unable to speak.

"what's your name?" he asked.

"s.. s... Sam" I finaly spate out.

"okay Sam your going to be ok, but ypu need to listen to me. The ambos are on there way. My name is Dug." I nodded to show that I was listening to him. I suddenly got a sharp pain in my head, chest and leg. I looked down to see what had happend. My left leg was crushed by the door and dash bord. From the looks of it the car frount had came out of the intersection and hit my side of the car. I put my hand to my chest and head. I pulled the hand away from my head to.see it covered in blood. I looked and the dash to see it also covered in blood.

"Sam look at me" I heard Duge say. "what's the lady's name next to you?" he pointed to tony.

" Tony" I said. I looked over to her. There was a lady on her side trying.g to get her to wake up.

"it hurts" I coughed out.

"okay Sam what dose?"

"my chest head and leg." I could now talk normally. I could see people waving in frount of our car, and than flashing.g lights approach us.

"okay Sam there here. But im gping to the hospital with you and Tony. To see how you are" he said. Duge hopped out of the way for the ambiance to get in to see me.

"her name is Sam and the other one is tony." I heard dug yell out.

"okay Sam my name is grace, my partner is Willie were going to get ypu put of the car. Please try and stay calm." I nodded to tell her that I understand. She tryed to open up the car door but it looked like it was jamed shut.

"I need some help here" habe yelled out. Duge and a older man came running to the door.

"on 3 pull." grace said.

"1..2..3!" she said and they opend it, my leg was now hurting even more. I whinsed at the pain shooting down to my leg.

"okay Sam im gping to put a beck coler on you to keep your head straight. She put it on and it was veary uncomfortable. I head a ear bleeding scream cone from were tony was sitting, but I couldnt look at her because of the neck bras.

"okay tony on 3. 1..2..3" I think ahe was pulled out if the car because I couldn't hear her anymore.

"no Sam this is gping to hurt, but were getting you out of here. Okay ready 1..2..3! And lift. I was pulled out of the car and onto a bed. I was looking up at the face's looking down at me. I saw Duge Grace and the old man.

"okay Sam your doing grate." Grace said. I was lifted the ambos car and they shut the door. I had grace and Willie with me.

"weres tony?" I asked panicking.

"she's right behind us" Willie said

"please dony separate us" I begged. Grace smiled at that.

"we wont. Do you have family we can call?" she asked. The pain in my chest was getting worse.

"no bit I have a friend that needs to know. His all I have apart from Tony." I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. I handed it to her.

"his name... Is saved..under... Ben(cu..cutie)" what the hell that made me really puffed. Grace pulled out the green whistle and handed it to me.

"suck on that for a bit." she said as I was doing that she pulled out a thin looking needle and stayed it into my chest. "that should help with your cheat and breathing." she said massarging where she had poked me. I could see her on my phone looking for Ben's name. After a while as had put the phone to her ear.

"hello is this Ben?" she asked.

"Im grace I have Sam and Tony going to the Hospital, they have been in a car crash. Sam said that yoh should know that." she said.

"yes you can come down. But first you need to calm down." she said.

"okay see you soon Ben." she hung up the phone and handed it back to me.

"he sounds concerned." she said. After that I think.k the green whistle kicked in because I don't remember anything after that.

I woke up in a room. It was white and it had a window on my lift hand side. I just pounded my eyes when I heard someone say my name.

"Sam?" I hear his voice as clear as day. I looked to my right and there sat a veary dirty, tired Ben.

"he...hey" I said. My throat felt like is had 100's of rusted nails loaged in it. Ben handed me a cup of water that went down like silver.

"how are you feeling?" he asked rubbing the back of my hand.

"good" I said. "what happend?. The last thing that I remember was Grace had called you." tears welded up his eyes.

"you have been in a coma for almost 2 weeks." he said shaking his head.

"what! hows Tony going? Where is she? I need to see here" I said I was being to panic. 2 weeks that can't be true.

"she's fine. She got to come home the day after the accident. She comes in here every 2nd day to see how your going." Ben said. He looked so tired and worried. He lent over the bed I was laying on and pressed a green button.

"is she coming over today?" I wanted to see how she was.

"yeah. Now that your awake." he said with a weak smile.

"how ling have you been here Ben?"

"almost a week now." he said lowering his head. He looked like shit. I moved over on the bed for him to come in the bed with me, but a pain shoot throw the hole left side of me.

"please Sam try not to move." Ben said as he stood up. He places his right hand in the right side of my face, he bent down and kissed my forehead.

"oh good your awake now Sammy." I heard Tonys voice. Ben moved out the way so I could see her.

"Tony?" I said. She looked good. Just a few scratchs but nothing that bad.

"im so sorry Sam. I didn't even see her coming." she said running over to me.

"it's okay. Im alright." I said.

"not really." Ben said. I looked up at him with an confused face. "you broke your leg and fracture your arm in 3 places. You have phseo in. 6 weeks. Your on bed rest from now on." he said. Tony nodded her head.

"really. Wow! That's a really long time, and this room is kind of lame." I aaid holding back tears. 6 weeks and than I habe to do pheso. That's going to take ages. I didn't want to be here. I want to be home.

A couple hours went by and neurs Nelly came and checkd up on me every now and than.

"Ben are you staying agian?" Nelly asked?

"yeah. I will." he said looking up at her. He had now brought his Xbox over and a couple of games. He had all so layed in my bed and I snuggled up to him as much as I could.

"okay guys but it's time for bed so off this now." she walked back out of the room.

"okay we better turn it off and get some rest." Ben said kissing me and warping his arms.around me, trying got to hurt me. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

Sam SwanWhere stories live. Discover now