My First Step

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Today's the day I take my first steps since the accent. Tony Lachy and Ben are already here to watch me walk. Today was a big day for me. The first time I have touched the growed since it happend. Last nigh I had a crappy night sleep. I couldn't get cunffie and I was really hot.

"you ready?" Ben asked me. I was smiling because I was just places in the wheelchair so I could stand up. Nelly was infrount of me and I had Ben and la by on both sides if me, just in case I fall over.

"okay Sam the boys are going to lift you up but if you feel any pain tell us." Nelly said. I nodded and help onto lachy and Ben's hands. I slowly pulled my self up to standing tony and I were smiling like dorks.

"okay, take a step when your ready" Nelly said. I moved on of my feet infront of the other. And than agian and agian. I was walking, my smile never faded. I was walking. Ben stood back from me and watched me as walked across the room lachy followed me just to make shour I didn't fall.

"so Sam how dose that feel?" Nelly asked.

"Amazing, perfect" I said smiling.

"good news is that you can go home tomorrow. And if you do about an hour if swimming 2 days a week you should be good and dint have to come back for pheso because your doing it at home." Nelly said, I looked up at her she had wiped a tear away from her eyes.

" oh Nelly it's okay, come around anytime you want" tony said. I can't believe it im going home.

Tiny and Ben were running around getting my things altogether. Lachy was helping me walk some more.

"it's amazing isn't it?" I said looking up at him.

"yeah, it is" he said.

"I can walk agian." I smiled. I had walked out of my room and down the hall to vet out if the way of Tonys running around with Ben. Lachy had walked with me to make shour I didn't fall over. We went iver to a wind the showed a couple of mountains. I stood there looking at the window before lachy came up behind. He rapped his arms rounded me and started looking out the window to.

"im so proud of you, Samantha." he whispered in my ear. His berth gave me a cool chill running down my back. He moved his arms and turned me around.

"your walking and coming home now." he said. He leant in and gave me a kiss on ny cheek. It felt amazing. He pulled away and I couldn't hid my blush. Lachy moved on of his hands to push away my hair that had gone over my face. And than he stopped. I smiled and looked up at him

"were ready" Tony said I looked around his tall body and saw her standing there with a huge smile on her face.

We got home and it was almost night time.

"are you hungry?" tony said as we walked throw the door. The place looked amazing. We had a different bigger tv, new photos of all of us. And it seemed brighter as well. This looked like a home.

"no thank you, im tired tho, I think I might go to bed." I saI'd climbing up the start. I walked into my room and landed on my bed and feel asleep.

Sam SwanWhere stories live. Discover now