Apollo Bay

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"Sammy" a voice startled me as I woke up. I blinked my eyes to let them adjusted to the light. The sun was really bright, and I knew were I was. I was in Apollo bay. We were parked on the parking lot just off the beach. We were here finley.

"coming for a swim?" Lachy asked with a grin on his face.

I rubbed my eyes and looked out the the water. It was clear and blue. There were children swimming and playing while adults were in the beach looking out to it.

"I'd live to but I need to get into bathers." I said standing up out if the car. When I stood up all I could smell was the salty water and the worm wind hit my face.

"yeah okay. Well jump back in and I'll drive to the tolitles so we can get dressed." I slowly climbed back in the var and sat down. The tolitles weren't that far away.

I walked out if the toilets wedding ny faedded pink bikini and a light white sundress. Lachy came out wereing light green swimming bords. I could't help but laughed. I didnt know he was so white.

"what are you laughing at?" he said.

"your like a ghost" I laughed pointing at his cheats.

"get in the car now." he said and jumped in not even looking at me. I think his mad now. I did what I was told and jumped in the passenger side of the car. We drove back to the beach in silents. We pulled up at the beach agian in the same car spot as before. He climbed out of the car. It was now getting a bit hotter. I closed the car door and looked over the sea. How did it get so messy. I was falling for Ben, I slept with him and in faver he had slept with Tony behind my back. Oh mum if you were here you could fix this mess. I was piled from my thourghts as Lachy picked me up and throw me over my shoulder.

"this is what you get for laughing at me missiy" he yelled. He startes running down the the water

"wait.. No lachy." I yelled and laughed at the same time. The waves got closer as we headed to the water. I looked back down at the sand under lachy. And than white foamy bubbles surrounded his feet. We had reached the water. He kept walking and I looked out to the sand we were going out deeper and deeper. I looked back down at the water and the water was wast deep.

"lachy no mire. That's deep enough." I squealed. Just as I finished that I was thrown off his body and into the freezing water. The cold water hit my skin. I stood up and flipped my hair out of my face. I could here lachy laughing. I looked at him and he was holding his tummy from laughing.

"that's it." I said. I leaped towards him and rugby tackle hum to the grown. We both went under the water. I quickly stood back up and looked at la by who was now standing up. We were both dripping wet from the learning cold water. We stood there with big grins in out face's untill his face dropped and looked scared. I as confused so I looked behind me. That was a stupid thing to do seeming there was a huge wave coming towards us. As I turned around to see the wave it collided with my body sending it flying under the water. My body stung from the wave were it hit me. After I re-emerged to the service I found lachy getting up as well.

"that hurt" I said rubbing my face.

"true that. Come in lets get back." he said holding his hand out for me to hold. I placed my hand in his and it belt amazing. His worm hand holding mine. It sent an instance working and chill throw my body.

"hey I kniw where the rock pulls are if you want to go there?" I asked hoping he said yes.

"yeah that would be cool" he said smiling at me. Mum had engraved he name and date of birth on the rock wall over by it.

"we could walk there, it's just near those rocks." I said pointing the rocks pointing out of the water.

"dosent look so far." he said looking over to it.

"look at this wired thing" lachy was pointing at

"that's a star fish." I said laughing at him.

"but it has 6 points." he said all confused.

"maybe it has a birth defeat?" I said.

"maybe it dose.. Do you know why relay?" he asked looking up at me

"no I don't know." I said smiling standing up and brushing away the sand and Minnie shells from my knees. Lachy did the same as me. I stood up and stretched. I was looking over the waves when something jumped out of it.

"what was that?" I said all surprised.

"it looked like a seal." lachy said squinting his eyes. It jumped out agian. It was a big brown seal, jumping over the waves.

"that's so cool." lachy said. I looked iver at hun all confused

"have you never seen a wild seal?" I asked.

"no. Not really. I've seen them on tv but never like this. It's amazing" he said still looked over the water. I kept looking around the rock pools. We had walked half way around bend in the coast.

"come on. We'll start walking back now." I said I was getting a bit hungry and hot as well.

"yeah, do you know any good places to eat at?" he asked.

"yeah, fish and chip's sound good?" I said. He smiled,

"sounds like a date than." he said with a half smile and half panicked face.

"lets go" he said quickley turning wrong and walking. I guess he didn't mean to say that. We started walking over near a wall made if on big rock. I was looking at all the names when to caught my eyes.

'dave and eve creep 2008' I smiled at there names as I walked past.

"hey mum and dad" I said in a whisper. But silly me wasnt looking at the waves and grown. A little strong wave it my legs and I sliped over the Ricks and feel in a deep rock pool head first. Grate. Two big hands held onto my hips and pulled me back up. I took a deep breth of air.

"are ypu alright there" a Scottish accent said from behind me. I turned around to find a tall red headed man standing there. He was quite tall aswell.

"thank you" I said dripping wet.

" im matt." he said holding out his hand

"im Sam. Thanks agian." I said shaking his hand. Lachy walked up behind me

"are you alright. I saw you go under." he said. "thanks for saving her." he said pulling me away.

"all good. See ya" matt said and walked away to a little girl. Must be his daughter.

"are yoh okay?" he asked.

"yeah I just saw my parents names on the rock wall over there." I pointed over to it. He smiled at the names as well.

"lets go over to it." he said holding my hand and draging me over to it.

"here. Write our names under your parents name" he handed me a rock and u did as I was told.

'Lachy wooden and Sam swan 2014'

I stood back from it and smiled. My name next to theres.

"oh god that was nice. Im stuffed" lachy said. I was to. We got $7 worth if chips and a drink each.

"so now what?" I asked.

"I saw a boat station before near the beach wanna go there?" he said. I haven't been there since I was a little girl.

"yeah why not. Should be fun." I said taking a mouth full of my drink. "but we should probably book into a room before it's to late." I know this place can get busy real fsat.

"yeah that might be a good idea. I saw a place just as we entered this place." he said looking at the grate ocean road.

"lets go." he said with a smile.

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