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Last and First: (L/n), (Y/N)

Skin: (S/C)

Type: Inkling

Age: 16

Colour: Pure White, Black when you get out of control. 

Hairstyle: (H/S), pick what style you want.

Gear: (Y/G), pick any kind of gear.

Weapons: Unknown


You were abandoned by your parents at age 5, due to you having a different colour than them. Your ink colour is white, your parents think something went wrong during the birth. They try to change your colour with their colour but didn't work. They have enough with you and throw you into the garbage in an alleyway. Even since then you lived by yourself only carrying yourself. When you fully grew into an inkling, you still lived in the alleyway due to you can't change your colour in turf wars. Inklings and Octolings just push you away, calling many things. You used to have two friends but they turn on you and left you bleeding. You have enough of everyone treating you like shit, and treat them like shit. You didn't take shit from everyone. Whoever treats you like shit you'll beat them up until they splatt. You stole money from stores, other inklings and octolings. Threatened them if they conceive for want you want. No one ever try to stop you and those who did... let's just say theirs in the hospital. Ever since that every inkling and octoling fear you, they run from you if you came near them, but your still the inkling that no one wants. You where a weak inkling you but became a scary inkling everyone fears you, 'The White Death'. But every day when you living in your makeshift home you felt empty. Like you need something in your life that will change you... but you always engorged it. 


-Agent 3/ Name Unkown  -Agent 4/ Name Unkown 

-Agent 3/ Name Unkown  -Agent 4/ Name Unkown 

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-Agent 8/ Name Unkown 

-Agent 8/ Name Unkown 

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- The Squid Sisters 

- The Squid Sisters 

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-Off the Hook 

-Aria by @RheiAnaFranchescaRam

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-Aria by @RheiAnaFranchescaRam

(No picture, sorry)  

-Miss Loser 


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A/N: If you want to add the manga female characters just say their names, I'll try but I don't know what their personality is like. So sorry if I didn't wrong. And I may add Ocs but you can suggest an Oc, if you want. 

Unwanted ColourWhere stories live. Discover now