Chapt 3: An Asshole

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Your Pov. 

You're on top of a building of Inkopolis. You saw all the colour of every building makes. It was like a light show but with many colours. You wish you could change your colour to be like them. But you can't be them, you'll never be. They despise your existence, why did you exist. No one wanted you, even your parents. 

"I don't get it?" You asked yourself. You were the weakest inkling but with all this hate you became a monster. Is this what people want? A monster or a Weak Inkling? They made me into this. It's their fault. Is it? You where getting frustrated due to many questions in your head. Why did you even go after Marina and spare her if you wanted to kill her? You didn't want to kill her, something special about her. The only inkling in three years to talk to you and brave enough to go up to your table. 

"*Groan*" You heard someone ground behind you. You turned around to see the octoling waking up from her slumber. She looks around confused and then saw you. Her face of confusion turn into fear and she starts to crawl back. You started to walk towards her slowly. She crawls back more and more.  She didn't notice that she was going closer to the end of the building. 

As she was getting closer to the edge, you walked faster and faster. She crawls back more and went off the edge of the building upside down. 

"VEEMO!!!" she shouted as she shut her eyes. You then quickly jump off the edge and catching her leg, as your other arm was clutching on the edge of the building. 

"EEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She screams thinking she still falling. She notices that she stop and open her eyes looking down seeing the ground from the thirty storeys tall building.  She then looks up at you as you look down at her. He gave out a small chuckle as you lift her and yourself up back on the building. 

Third person Pov.  

8 was breathing hard as had was on her chest. She never ever was that close to death... well she did die many times in the subway, especially the eight ball levels. But still, she wasn't connected to the respond pad. She then her chuckling and looks up to 'White Death". He was laughing at her due to her being scared of him she almost recently died. 

"HAHAHA! You face when you saw me and fell, it was priceless!" He told her. 8 then puff her checks and punch you in the face. You fell back onto the ground still laughing. You start to calm down and sit back up wiping your tears of laughter off your face.  She turns her head away from you and crosses her arms. 

"Sorry, it was funny to me" He then to stand back up and walk over to the edge of the building. 8 turns her head towards him and saw the colour of the city. It amazed her to see so many different colours. 

"Beautiful isn't?" He asked her. She just nods and stands back up, then walks towards the edge to get a better view. 

"All this colour, shining brightly than the light in the sky and then there's me," He said. 

"The colour that doesn't belong here that ruins this city" 8 looks at him seeing him looking down in sadness. 

"I won't remember this moment but I can only believe it." It was then silence. 8 knew what he is. A monster that only cares about himself and himself only. But when she sees him like this, she doubts the monster part that everyone says of what he is. 

"You know? You octolings are not bad" He broke the silence. 

"Dj Otavio is blinded by his defeat in the great turf war and wants to redeem it for his own kind. Thinking it is the right thing to do" 8 looks at him surprised knowing of this information. 

"Although he did mind control the octolings due to you guys not wanting to really fight anymore" He then said.  

"You can sympathize with him... but not me, I don't know it's their or my fault I'm like this. I beat down and betrayed by the ones who used to care. But I'm just an Asshole who thinks no one cares about him." He added. 8 looked at him sadly, she felt sorry for him. 

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