Chapt 9: Me too!

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Your Pov. 

After the incident with the agents. Me, Eight, Aria, and Ms. Loser went to Arias home. Since the agents know where Eight and I live. It's for my love and the others safety. It was around even o'clock at night as we made it to Aria apartment. I sat on the couch with Ms. Loser and Eight, while Aria is getting her aid kit. Eight was struggling against me. 

"I'm sorry," she said again. I then lean down and kiss her forehead. 

"I many times I have to say; don't be," I told her warmly. I looked into her warming eyes. We then lean into each other face and slowly kiss. Ms. Loser was blushing hard as she sees me and Eight kissing each other. We let go of the kiss, as Aria came back with her med kit. She then patched my shoulder up. 

"There, that should do it," she says. 

"Th-tha..." I can barely say thank you. I haven't say it for a long time. 

"Your welcome," she said. I just nodded. She then sat down on a chair in front of us. 

"So, how did you two ever met?" she asked me and Eight. I just sigh, I remember when we first met. I almost killed her friends. 

"Can we not talk about it," I told her. She just nods.

"I understand it must be not a good one," I nod. She just sighs, and lean back on her chair. 

"You know, I never expected to you to move on from you Ex," she said. 

"WAIT! YOU HAD AN GIRLFRIEND!" Ms. Loser shouted. I then punch her arm to shut her up. 

"Ow, what the fuck?" I then put my hand over her mouth that made her blush. 

"No swears around my love," I told her. 

"Uhm" she muffled. I let my hand go of her mouth. 

"Well, since you and Eight are staying here, I'll let you guys live in my home, in the guest room," Aria told me. 

"Thank you," Eight thanked her. 

"No problem, I always help my friends, right 'Simo Häyhä'?" She said winking at me. I just rolled my eyes and looked the other way. 

"Well, his real name is (Y/n)." I heard Eight told her. I turn back and see Aria with a shocked face. 

"Wait, you had a name?" She asked confused. 

"Yes, my name is (Y/n)," I told her. She was about so how I got it, I stopped her. 

"Its the name I gave myself when I was weak me," I told her. 

"Oh, ok. Why you never tell me it?" she asked me. I just gave her a shrugged. I don't really know but maybe I just never trust her. But I do trust her... she helps me after the incident with my ex and best friend. She just sighs. 

"That's ok, I understand," she said. After we talked, she started to talk to Eight and get to know her more. I also learn a lot from her, like how she manage beat Three by her self. To be honest, I was impressed with her. I looked at Ms. Loser, who was on her phone. I manage to see what she's doing on her phone. She is reading a story about a guy named Tadayoshi facing off of a group of dark squids. That's weird, like who rights fanfiction. 

"I'm taking a shower," I said as I stand up and walked to the washroom. I went to Aria's washroom and took off all of my clothes. I looked at my self in the mirror, the scars I have. They will never heal. It's now apart of me. The monster that no one wants. Well... maybe not anymore. But everyone will see me as the monster. I just sigh, but I love Eight. Her innocents reminded of me when I was an Inkling. Naive of the world and cares for everything. I wished I can go back, but I know that will never happen. 

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