Chapt 24: That's Not (Y/n)...

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Jake Green Arc Part Two:



Last Time on, Unwanted Colour

Four Pov.

"He's changing colour!!!" Ginny shouted backing up a bit.

"I hate him! I HATE HIM!!! HE MADE ME!!!" He kept shouting. I tried to stop him, but his body was slowly being cover with black ink. The whole square started slowly to shake, while everyone was panicking.

"(Y/n)!!! Calm down!" I shouted.

I then heard a laugh from him, but it wasn't his laugh. It sounded like someone else. The black ink slowly dissolved around him. His ink hair was now glowing black. From his back, black tentacles slowly ripped through his clothing. There were four, twice as big as him. He slowly turned to me, showing his face, his large scar was now black as a void, his eyes now red. He slowly smiled, "It's been a while I've been out of his body..."

"Thanks to you, White Death is taking a break... since you wanted answers... now I, BLAKE PLAGUE, will have fun... and fun I will have with you slut..."


And Now

Eight Pov. 

It's been quiet around Aria's Apartment, just me, in my PJs, sitting in the living room. The T.v wasn't on, just me staring at a blank T.v. Aria, went out a while ago to find (Y/n). I was worried for (Y/n), although I shouldn't. I knew he could take care of himself, but deep down I knew that something is wrong. For being in a relationship with him, he's been keeping secrets from us. For his good or for our own, is unknown. But he's been opening up a little, but not too much. 

As I stared at the T.v thinking about (Y/n), everything started to shake. Thinking that it was an earthquake, I quickly got off the couch and quickly hid under the kitchen table. Items on shelves and walls slowly fall onto the ground, with some glass breaking. As I hid, I hoped that (Y/n), Aria and my friends, even Three are safe. 

After a few more seconds the shaking stopped. I sighed in relief, thinking it was just a small earthquake. But I felt something wrong like something just disappeared and replaced something within me. 

That's when I heard a voice, It's been a while I've been out of his body..." I looked around thinking someone else was talking to me but no, it was in my head.

"White Death is gone, now here's come the BLACK PLAGUE..." I heard a voice, of (Y/n) but it's different, rough, dark, threatening, something that shouldn't be messing with. It says that WHite Death is gone... (Y/n)... no, I must find him somethings wrong and I need to find him. 

I quickly change out of PJs, to something fresher than my tight leather suit.

I quickly change out of PJs, to something fresher than my tight leather suit

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