Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning and quickly got changed for what may lay ahead for the day and I walked downstairs and saw Charles waiting at the bottom of the stairs and Moria, raven and Erik were with him and we were just waiting on hank, Alex and Sean. I smiled at Charles and he smiled back at me wider and I walked down the stairs and saw that raven was in her true form and I smiled at her and she smiled back and Charles stood on the last step in front of me and smiled

"Good morning love" he said and I smiled at him

"Good morning Charles" I said and he kissed my cheek and Moria looked absolutely gobsmacked and I just smiled st her while raven smiled at us and gave me a look and came forward and grabbed my hand and while walking to the lab we were talking about the previous night and she was so happy for me and I was happy that she had finally accepted herself. We then came to the lab and it said on the door

'Gone to the airbase, bring the crate marked x, Hank' Charles took it off the Wall and I looked at in confusion and then Charles opened the doors and I gasped. Everything was broken except my little corner that had all my stuff in

"Oh hank, what happened?" I asked myself as we all walked in and Charles helped me over glass and metal

"What the hell happened here?" Erik asked and me and Charles looked back at him but we didn't say anything and raven looked like she knew something but wasn't saying anything and we reached the crate marked x and opened it to see our suits that hank had made

"Hank has been busy" Erik commented

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex asked and I looked at him

"Well non of us will want to endure extreme g force or be riddled by a bullet, I suggest we suit up" I said and Charles closed the crate and we all went out of the lab to go get changed into the suits. Hank had added an extra detail on mine which it had been embroidery of vines all around and I smiled at that he did my request, I put the suit on and you could see my chest area a little but I wasn't too phased by it and I walked out to see Charles in his and he smiled at me and put his hand out

"Shall we love?" He asked and I nodded

"We shall" I said and took his hand as we all made our way to the airbase where hank was and we all stood there in a line underneath the plane, waiting for hank to make his appearance

"Where's hank?" Raven asked the question that everyone was asking and we all looked at each other

"I'm here" a voice called out and we looked towards it t see a lot of fur and a blue outline and I walk forward a bit but Alex grabbed my arm in fear but I looked at him and he slowly let go of me

"Hank?" I questioned as I slowly walked towards him, knowing something wasn't right and then he came into the light and he was furry like a beast and blue like raven... oh he didn't try what I think he was going to

"Hank?" Charles asked and hank looked down a little

"It didn't attack the cells, it enhanced them, it didn't work" Hank said and he looked down and I slowly put my hand to his face and stroked his cheek and he leaned into my touch while everyone but me and raven looked confused of what had happened

"It did hank, don't you see, this is who you were meant to be, this is you, no more hiding" raven explained to him and also stepped forward and gently grabbed his arm

"Never looked better man" Erik complimented but hank thought differently and grabbed his neck and roared and leaned forward

"Don't mock me" he said and I looked at him

"Hank look at me" but he didn't

"Hank put him down please. Hank . Hank" Charles repeated while I just grabbed hanks face and made him look at me and he slowly let go while he looked at me and then I just hugged him and he hugged me back and Erik started to breathe normally again

"I wasn't" Erik commented

"Even I can admit you look pretty bad ass" Alex said and he looked at him

"I think I've got a new name for you: beast" he announced and hank looked at me and I nodded saying it was a good thing and he breathed

"Are you sure you can fly this thing" Sean asked moving subjects while looking at the plane

"Course I can, she designed it" he said while pointing at me and then we all got strapped up in the plane, me next to Charles and then raven next to me and then Alex next to er and then opposite Charles was Moria and then opposite me was Erik and then opposite raven was Sean and hank was in the cockpit, flying. We were nearly at the line where everything could change for the whole world and the mutant world. All cause of shaw. World war three could happen and that decision  is in our hands and we saw the two fleets of American and the Soviet Union ships and the boat heading to the line but it was still moving and Charles went to see what happens

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