Chapter 2: Don't go into the woods

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5 months later.

To say things were going well would be an understatement.
Soo-ah started school and she loves it. Do-Won goes to daycare and I am have been able to start my next novel. Things have been good.

Today though the school and daycare were closed. There is a stormy coming. The biggest one of the year. So I need to get supplies and fill out the pantries.
"Aunties!!!!" I hear from the other side if the house. Followed by little footsteps.
I laugh a little. It's good to see her happy.I know she still misses them but she is making progress. She back to her old happy, hyper self. "Yes, Soo-ah?" I answer as I keep putting things away. "Auntie can I please have a picnic outside with Mr. Cuddles and Mr.Crabs and Petunia and..." I interrupting her before she names all her stuffed animals. Which are a lot. "Love, it's cold out. why don't you have a picnic in the living room" She pouts at my response."But Auntie I will wear my scarf and gloves and hat, promise. Please let me play in the yard? pretty pleaseeeee!" Giving me puppy eyes. Gosh, I can never win when she pulls that on me.
"Fine, " before I can continue she starts doing a victory dance. "Yaay! Thank you thank you Auntie"
Finishing what I was going to say "But, you can't go into the woods, okay?" I say with as much authority I can muster in that sentence.
A little upset with my condition she still agrees. "Auntie, can I get Tea on the big thermo and cookies and crackers and banana and blankets?" I am surprised by the huge request just for a picnic with stuff animals. "Soo-ah don't you think that's a bit much?" Looking at me like I clearly don't know anything she just shakes her head and keeps getting snacks and putting it in her red wagon.
"Fine take whatever you want but you can only be there for 20 minutes. We have to go grocery shopping for the storm." I say. "Okay bye," she answers as she drags everything with her. I swear this girl. Looking out the window I make sure she is where she is supposed to be as I get the kitchen cleaned.

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