Chapter 31: Face reveal

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Since Yoongi and I had the rest of the day off we decided to go get the guys, Soo- ah and Do-Wonie gifts.

Quickly finishing our shopping spree we walk around before heading back to the Hotel.

As the face reveal and book release get closer the more nervous I get. Just a few more hours and everyone will know who I am. That is so scary. I keep myself busy and begin to get ready for the party.

Putting on the last touches to my look I walk to the living room where Yoongi has been waiting for me. walking to the living room I stand  in front of him.
He narrows his eyes. His gaze burning my skin. "What do you think?" I ask.
Im feeling so nervous and insecure about everything that I am struggling hard.
I guess he seances my nervousness that with a loud sigh  he gets up and hugs me.
"Relax, Everything will be okay." He says as he rubs my back.
"You look breathtakingly beautiful. " He adds.
"Thank you Love" I whisper still wrapped up in his arms.
"How about we text the guys? They might help with your nervousness" he says.
Pulling back I nod." Sounds good"
We both sit on the sofa and take out our phones going to our group chat.

Our y/n

Yoongi🖤: yo!

Tae👽: Hey hyeong.

Y/n🌸: Hey guys👋🏻

Kook🐰:Hey Noona!!! Come back home we miss you

Kook🐰: Hey hyeong

Yoongi🖤: Hey hyeong is all i get? I see how it is you brat.

Joonie🐺: Hey heyong. Hey y/n.

Hobie🌞: Hello my angels👼

Y/n🌸: 😘😘😘

Chimmy🐤: Noona!!! Come back.😭

Y/n🌸: Aww my loves. I really want to go home. Like now. But i cant. I still have a few days of work here. But soon.

Jinnie😻:Hello beautiful!😉

Jinnie😻: wait shouldn't you guys be at the book reveal?

Yoongi🖤: We will be leaving soon. But i thought Y/n could talk to you guys for a bit.

Yoongi🖤: Help her relax since she is a nervous wreck.

Joonie🐺: Y/n whats wrong?

Tae👽: If you want we can go get you and bring you home.

Chimmy🐤: lets do that.

Yoongi🖤: that is not the help i was looking for 😐

Kook: We cant go get her guys she has to work 😞

Yoongi🖤: At least some one gets it.

Y/n🌸: haha just reading your txts i feel better.

Y/n🌸: I guess you can say i am nervous of the face reveal and what ppl will say when they see who i really am.

Y/n🌸: I guess im afraid of the judgement.

Jinnie😻: You are amazing, beautiful and smart and if they dont see that,then they are idiots.

Tae👽: They will see how awesome you are.

Hobi🌞: Im not ready to share you with your fans. But when they finally see what we see... They will love you.

Kook🐰: Noona it doesn't matter what others think. Just know that you are the world to us.

Chimmy🐤: Noona is the best and gives the best hugs.

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