Chapter 20:Storm Day4, Close enough to kiss.

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Feeling extremely hot I try to turn over on my bed but I am being held. Getting spooked for a quick minute before remembering that last night after out heart to heart Tae, Kookie and Jimin decided to sleep on my bed. Luckily, I have a king-size bed and we all fit. Their argument was that they needed to be close to me in case I had nightmares. I think that I was more for them, in case they got nightmares but to be honest I didn't care. They are so damn cute I just gave in. The only downside of this is that it was Hot and not in a sexual way. More like too much body heat, I'm sweating balls kind of HOT.
Climbing over Jungkookie I go to the bathroom. I quickly shower and get dressed. Getting Do-Won from his room we make our way to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.
I'm going all out this morning.

{A/n: my mouth is watering just by looking at this}

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{A/n: my mouth is watering just by looking at this}

As the guys and Soo-ah come down to eat I am smothered in hugs from the guys.
After breakfast, we all go do our own thing. I keep busy with the kids and other things I have planned for the future that need to be finalized. After last night I am more than sure of this.

Sitting in the living room in between Hoseok's legs as he hugs me from behind and plays peek-a-boo with Do-Won who is cracking up.
Tea and Jimin are playing tea party with Soo-ah. Jin is on the couch looking through a cooking book. Joonie is in his room reading. Yoongi went back to sleep after breakfast. And Kookie is sitting next to me when running his fingers through my hair. All of us just enjoying our time. Relaxing.
When my phone begins to ring.
Informing the guys "I need to take this, please keep an eye on Do-Won.I'll be right back" I say and quickly run to the library and answer the call I've been waiting for all morning.
Closing the door behind me I answer. "Hello Mr.Kwon, How are you?" I say mockingly.
On the other line, I hear a very smooth voice. "Hello Y/n-ah, I am doing well thanks for asking but I have told you many times to please call me by my name. After all, we've known each other for many years and we are still friends right? " he says.
And its true I've known him since college. He was very popular still is. Has a lot of woman falling at his feet. We went on one date and some chicks flirted with him right in my face. Even his ex mocked me for my looks and so I decided to just be friends, better that way. And he's been a great friend. He manages my money and invests some of it too.
"Fine, Hello Ji Yong-ah. We are still friends so chill. I just wanted to know about the investments and the shares I'm planning to buy" I say in business mode.
Looking out the window I listen to him as he explains my profits from old investments and the recent ones.
Happy that I am making way more than enough money to take care of the kids and 7 hybrids and that's without counting the book sales.
"That's great to hear and the shares? What do you think?" I ask him.
"Hmm... For the shares, I think it's a great idea. You will also own a little part of the publishing company you work for and will have a say in important matters. The company is doing great and it will be very profitable for you" He informs me.
"Great after lunch could you start the transaction so that I could buy them at once. The papers are signed all that is left is to pay for them. My lawyer will send you a copy by the end of the day." I say.
"Sounds good. So tell me. Why all of a sudden you want to make more money and invest and buy shares and stuff. You have never cared about money so what's up?" He asked clearly curious.
"Well my family has expanded and I need to make more money" I vaguely answer him.
There is a big awkward pause.
"You are pregnant!!" He yells.
What tha-
"Who did it! Who is he?! And how dare he knock up my best friends!" He keeps yelling and I am at a loss for words.
I can't with him.
"Where the hell did you get that I am pregnant?" I say to him in exasperation.
There is another awkward pause.
"Well you said you were expanding your family," he says confused.
"And out of that, you concluded that I am pregnant?! You are an idiot" I say shaking my head.
"For your information, I am not pregnant!. I just have 7hybrids" I whisper the last part.
"Wait, what?! 7 hybrids? How the hell....". Ji-Yong trails off.
"It's a long story," I say to him.
"And I have time" he simply says.
As I walk around the little library I explain to him how I met them and how they are staying here leaving off Ms.Wang and their past. As it is not my story to share.
"Damn....well, since we are sharing I also have hybrids 4 to be exact."
He goes on to tell me about T.o.p, Seungri, Dae-sung, and YoungBae. We talk about our hybrids and their cute habits.
" Damn Y/n-ah you might not be pregnant now but with 7 male hybrids and with what you've told me is a matter of time before you end up pregnant," he says laughing.
I roll my eyes at him. He really is an idiot. "Shut up," I tell him.
"But on the real, I miss you! You need to come to visit me." He whines.
"Soon, when I have time and everything that I need to do is set I will come to visit you, promise. Plus I miss you too" I say.
When I feel a hard chest on my back and arms on either side caging me against the bookshelf.
Ji Young keeps talking and I am distracted by the little butterfly kisses I feel on the side of my neck. The butterfly kisses turn into sucking my neck and I have to bite my lip.
"Umm...yeah. Hope to see you soon, bye Ji Young-ah" I say quickly and hang up and turn around to see who is attacking my neck.
To find a very dominant looking bunny.
"Kookie," I say surprised of the once shy bunny.
"Who was that no one?" He says possessively.
"Umm...a friend?" I ask. Confused at his reaction. What is going on with him?
"And this friend is a man" he states.
I just nod.
Pressing his chest on mine.
"Noona, you know that you are ours right? The hyung's and I don't share well" He says. Sending shivers down my spine.
"Umm..." I trial off. Completely distracted that the once shy bunny is a sexy ass dominant bunny.
Jungkook caresses his nose against mine. As his fingers run up my neck.
"You are ours," he says before he smashes his lips on mine.
I gasp completely off guard. Jungkook takes the opportunity and slides his tongue in my mouth.
Coming to my senses I kiss him back. But before things get too heated he pulls back.
We both stand there trying to catch our breath.
Clearing his throat, "Jin hyung said Lunch was ready, let's go" he says as he begins to walk to the door.
"Kookie, you don't need to worry about Ji Young-ah he is just a friend," I say trying to reassure him.
Without even looking at me he just walks out.
Taking a deep breath I fix myself and go to eat.
As I walk in all eyes land on me. Quietly I sit and eat.
Once lunch is over the guys say that they will clean up. So I take the kids and get them ready for their nap. Also taking the opportunity to take a nap myself. I really need to be alone.

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