Chapter 27: Snuggles and plans for the future.

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Waking up I try to move but I can't. Not just because Hobi and Namjoon have their arms wrapped around me but because everything hurts. Places I didn't think had muscles now ache. I try to get away from the snuggling wolf and fox but its no use. Whit a lot of struggle I am able to get their arms off me. Now I need to get off this bed and maybe crawl to the bathroom?. The struggle is real. As I attempt to get off the bed I hear someone chuckle. Looking up I see Joonie looking at me in amusement.
Giving up once again I flop on the bed.
"You okay there beautiful?" He says smirking my way.
Sighing I say. "You guys fucked me so hard that I think im handicap now"
I pout looking at him.
My statement cause him to full on belly laugh.
Waking Hobi up.
"What's so funny?" He ask still some what asleep.
Namjoon smiles and says "Y/N says she might be handicap now"
Hobi laugh.
"Aww my Angel, we will take full responsibility" Giving me a blinding smile.
"Damn straight you guys will. What if I can't walk anymore" I say in exasperation.
They both just laugh at me. I playful slap them.
"Move I need to go to the bathroom" I say to Hobi.
He does as told.
With a lot of effort I sit on the edge of the bed. Once I'm on my feet I take a step towards the bathrooms and my legs give out.
Hobi catches me before I hit the ground and gently sets me on the bed.
Both Hobi and Joonie are standing in front of me in their boxers looking at me in concern.
" I think we broke her hyung" Hobi whispers.
And I feel so embarrassed.
"Hey don't be embarrassed baby girl, we should apologize if anything. We kind of lost control. Sorry Love" He says while scratching the back of his neck. Now they both look very sorry.
"It's not like i was complaining" I say. Trying to reassure them that it's all good.
They gently smile at me in adoration.
"Ill be okay....I think. But you guys might have to help me get around. As i can't walk" I say to them.
They both Nod.
"Hobi wake up Jin and then the other. I'll help Y/N shower and get dressed" Namjoon says.
Hobi pecks my lips and goes on his mission.
Namjoon carries me bridal style to the bathroom and helps me get cleaned up and dressed.
Once I'm all ready and beyond embarrassed I wait for Joonie to get ready.
As I just relax on the couch. Jungkook walks in and smile.
"Good Morning Noona! I was told you might need help to get downstairs" He says giving an apologetic look.
"That would be great" Says Namjoon as he walks in now fully dressed.
Kookie walks my way and picks me up like I weight nothing and brings me to the dining room where the rest of the guys are already seated waiting for the rest of us.
"Good Morning" I shyly say.
They all great me with warm smiles.
We dig into our breakfast.
Dude I'm starving.

As the morning goes by the guys take turns taking care of me carrying me around and cuddling with me.
I start to feel better and I am able to walk on my own. But I look like an old lady. They guys laugh at me but I ignore them. It's their fault I can't walk properly.
Later Soo-ah and Do-Wonie come home and we all spend a chilled day playing bored games and watching movies.

But as the day goes on there is something I begin to notice.
Everytime I get up the guys look at my stomach or when we cuddle they rub my stomach. At first i was like wow do I have a Buddha belly? Are they rubbing my Buddha belly?
Finally the kids take their nap and once again the guys have their eyes on my belly. Like what the fudge?!
Not able to take it anymore I speak up.
"Okay, What's up? Why do you guys keep staring at my belly and rubbing it? Am I fat or something?!" I say annoyed.
They all look at me shocked.
"It's not that" Tae says.
"Y-You are not fat noona" Kookie says.
They all nod at Kookies statement.
"Then explain" I simply say.
"Well... We keep looking at your belly because there might be a little kitten in there"Jin says.
"Or a bunny" Jungkook chimes in.
"Or a cub" says Jimin.
"Or a pup" says Tae happily.
At this I choke on my saliva.
One of the guys pats my back as I calm down.
I look at them in shock.
"You want me pregnant?" I shriek.
"Y-you don't want to have our babies?" Jimin says. His eyes beginning to tear.
The rest of the guys look disappointed.
I quickly explain myself not wanting to see that look on their beautiful faces any longer.
"I-it's not that. I would like to have a mini kookie, or a mini Joonie or a Mini Hobi... A mini version of you guys.Just not right now." I say.
"We didn't use protection last night"Namjoon says.
"Im on birth control" I simply say.
Again they all look disappointed.
"Do you not love us?" Tae whines.
"Oh Sweetheart of courses I love you guys. I mean I wouldn't have done all the things we did last night if I didn't feel anything for you guys"
They all smirk probably thinking about last night.
" I think it's a bit soon to be having kids. Don't get me wrong. I would like kids. I want a big family." I smile at them and i see their tails sway and ears twitch.
"But you guys have been through a lot and you finally have freedom, you don't have to be scared anymore and you guys will gain some sort of independence. You guys will start your new job and you will meet new people and make new friends. And I just want you guys to enjoy this. Also I want us to work more on our relationship. Not that there is anything wrong with it but I want to make memories with you guys, go on trips, go on dates, Vacations. I just want it to be just us for a while until we decide to expand our family" I say.
They all looked really happy once i was done.
"I really like that"Jin says.
"A date sounds nice"Yoongi adds.
"When we all feel that we are ready for the next step we will all sit like this now and talk about it" Namjoon says and we all nod.
The rest of the afternoon and night was just a lazy, cozy time.
I really love my boys. And my niece and nephew.
I wonder what this place would be like with more kids running around.
Its crazy as it is now.
I really can't to see what the future holds.

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