Chapter 19: Storm Day3 part 2

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Warning ⚠️ Subjects like Sexual abuse, physical abuse, and Rape will be mentioned. ⚠️

Hybrids P.O.V

All 7 of them were a nervous wreck waiting for Y/n to come down. Seeing her with puffy red eyes broke their hearts. When their old master would come home sad they didn't care. They wished her more sadness. It might sound harsh but that's how they all felt.
But with Y/n they felt the need to hug her and kiss her and tell her that everything will be okay. They have the urge to fix whatever is making her feel this way.
When Y/n reached the living room she got comfortable on the couch and huge her knees making her even smaller than she already was.
Jimin and Tae sat on either side of her. While Jungkook sat by her feet. The rest of them moved closer.
They all watched her as she looked at the ground.
"Noona what's wrong?" Jimin asked as he nudged his head on her shoulder.
Y/n just shook her head still not looking up.
"Please tell us what's got you so sad y/n -ah. You've been like this all day and we are worried" Yoongi said.
"It's not good for you to keep things bottled in" Hoseok chimed in.
"We will be your shoulder to cry on," Jungkook said.
"We are good listeners too " Jin added.
They watched as she silently cried. Making the younger ones whimper.
"How about this, you tell us yours and we tell you ours," Namjoon said.
Finally, she looked up at them.
"Kind of like ill show you mine if you show me yours?" She asked in a husky whisper.
They all nod wanting her to speak. To share what she was feeling.
"It's stupid," she says.
"Nothing that has you in this kind of state could be stupid," Jin said gently.
Y/n takes a deep breath and looks up at them. They all brace themselves to what's about to come out of her mouth.
"W-when I saw Do-Won take his first steps, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken, don't get me wrong I was so happy for his accomplishment but -" her voice cracks and more tears stream down her face.
Tea rubs her back while him in hugs her arm.
"It's okay noona, Take deep breaths, " Jungkook instructs as he sees his noona struggling to let the words out.
"I-i can't help but feel sad. All these milestones in Do-won's and Soo-ah's life and it should be my brother and sister to witness them and they are not here and it makes me miss them even more" she sobbed.
Taking a shaky she continues. "It shouldn't be me who Do-Won takes his first steps to, it should have been towards them but that won't ever happen because they are not here and now I am the parental figure and its fucking scary."
Y/n shoots up from her seat and they all look at her cautiously. As she begins to pace in front of them.
"Like what were they thinking when they put me in charge of their kids if anything happened to them! I can barely take care of myself. To be honest I have no idea how I've managed this far. I have no idea what I'm doing more than half of the time, I just wing it and hope to all that's holy that I don't fuck them up in some sort of way, and it's not fair to them. God, what am I doing!" She breaks down again. Sitting on the floor she hugs her legs and subs.
All 7 of them look at her in shock.
On the outside, she looks all put together but in reality, she is barely hanging on and it broke their hearts all over again.
One by one they got up and made their wag to her. And hugged her and cried together. Whispering that everything will be okay and that she wasn't alone anymore. Because she wasn't. She had them now.
After what seemed like forever she calmed down. "Thank you guys, I really needed to get that out and I'm happy you guys were here for me" she smiled and they felt happy accomplished that they could help her.
But now they felt dread as they would talk about a few things they wish to forget.

Y/n P.O.V

Sitting there surrounded by 7 amazing guys I couldn't help but feel better, better than I have felt since I buried my family. Like a weight has been lifted. All that I have bottled up is finally out.
Looking at each and every one of them
I notice that they look worried, somewhat hunted. Something I've learned from working with my brother is that no hybrid out there has had it easy and some have had it way worse than others.
Not wanting to push them to talk about something that obviously seems to trouble them. "If you guys don't feel comfortable talking about it than you don't have to," I say.
That snapped them out of their trance.
"No, I want to share with you noona, its hard... But I trust you" Jungkookie said and my heart soared at those words.
They all took deep breaths and one by one they began to tell their story. "We, all come from different places" Namjoon explained. "I was born in Busan and I spent most of my life in the hybrid shelter. I don't know who my parents are or why they didn't want me" Jimin says as a tear escapes but he quickly wiped it away.
"Yoongi and I lived on the streets since we were 5 our previous owner died and her son put us in a box and left us in an alleyway, we spent 5 years on the streets stealing and eating from the garbage until we were sent to this kill shelter where we ran away from" Hoseok said.
"I lived with my mom and her owners until I was 14. They were short on money and so the sold my mom and then they sold me to our M-master" Jungkookie said in between sniffles. I wrap my arms around him. And keep listening to their stories.
"I-i had a home, a beautiful home, my owner at the time was rich and he just wanted a beautiful pet to show off until he found an even better pet and threw me out on the street. That's how I met Tea and Namjoonie" Jin said. "My old owner made me steal things one day I refused and he beat me up and left me to die but Namjoon hyung came and took care of me and I stuck my him ever since. He thought me how to survive on the streets" Tea says as he looks up at Namjoon.
"I had a nice owner she was like a grandma to me but when she died no one wanted me so I had to survive and take care of myself. I did some underground fighting to make money to eat" namjoon shared.
Hearing this makes me sad and angry that hybrid laws don't do anything for them. All the pain, struggles and rejection they had to go through just to survive.
"Then how did you all meet?" I ask curiously. Knowing that there is more to their story as they had told me a few things here and there.
"Well... We all believe that our previous M-Owner handpicked us because of our looks and that she had been keeping tabs on us for a while" Namjoon admitted.
"Like stalking? She stalked you guys?" I say in disbelief. And they all nod.
"She came to me first saying how beautiful I was and she would love and take care of me. I wanted to be loved that I believed her and I even convinced Tae and Namjoon to come with me and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I'm so sorry" Jin sobs.
"She adopted me, I thought finally I will find a nice home" Jimin shakes his head as tears begin to stream down his face.
"We were taken from the streets by some really big buff guys," Hoseok said.
"Taken by force? Like kidnapped?" I ask. And Yoongi just nods.
"At first she was nice and took care of us, Jungkook had been there the longest so he taught us how the house was to be kept and how things were to be done," Jin explained.
"Things were okay until they weren't anymore. She would inappropriately touch us in our private areas. The younger ones were the most upset about this so we tried to keep them away from her as much as we could." Namjoon said.
My eyes went wide at this. They were molested and they would take the molestation just to save the younger ones from it. My chest tightens hearing this.
"It went from her touching us to her forcing us to have sex with her and if we refused she would beat us and starve us. All of us." Jin said.
Looking around they are all crying. I hug Tae and Kookie and Jimin curls up into a ball on the floor and lays his head on my lap.
"Sh-she would also bring her friends and make us p-please them" Jimin adds in between sobs.
"If we said no to her she would get really mad and as punishment, she would make us have sex with each other as she watched and say nasty things" Tae added.
"Or use toys on us for not obeying," Jung kookie said.
At this point, I felt like I was boiling. They all looked ashamed and distraught.
Jin kept sobbing and apologizing.
This woman did a number on them.
"What was the name of your previous Owner?" I asked. Because lord knows if I ever find this bitch I will end here! How dare she!
"Her friends called her Leslie but other people would call her Ms.Wang, we were only allowed to call her Master"Namjoon answered.
I just sat there frozen for what seemed like forever.
"Oh my God!" I yelled and I again I was up pacing the living room.
They all looked at me worried, scared.
"I know that Bitch! " I said.
"She is such a fucking creep! I have seen her creeping at the end of my driveway and she is always watching me" I say. Finally looking at them.
"Y-you don't think we are dirty noona?" Jimin asked.
And once again I was frozen in place, Shocked by the words that came out of his mouth.
"Thank you for sharing your stories with me, it must have been extremely hard to remember all those bad memories but I don't think of you guys differently. I see you guys as strong man who overcame anything obstacle that was put in their way. I see 7 survivors who didn't give up and fought to get through anything life threw their way. I am so proud of you guys. Just know that you guys are safe here. She won't ever hurt you again, I will make sure of it" I say as a few tears escape. They all get up and we share a nice group hug.
After today one thing is for sure. I will do anything to protect them and make sure Ms. Wang gets what's coming to her.

This was extremely difficult to write.
Poor guys, they have really been through hell and back.
And Y/n struggling to be a parent/guardian.
At least they all have each other to get through this.
Ms.Wang made an appearance on the apocalypse shopping chapter(in case you were wondering)
I wonder how things will go from here.

Wang made an appearance on the apocalypse shopping chapter(in case you were wondering)I wonder how things will go from here

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