Chapter23: Oh hell Nah!

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Sorry for the time skip.
There will be lost of cursing.
Beware a wild Y/N.

It has been 2 weeks since I've adopted the guys and things have been great. Soo-ah was over the moon when I told her that guys would be staying with us forever.
We all now have a routine going on and we all share responsibilities and chores. One thing that has changed is my relationship with the guys. Things have escalated it went from sweet touches and shy looks to touches and looks with lots of promises. Innocent kiss on the neck turns into sucking and licking my neck, shy little rushes of the hand to full-on hand on my inner thigh, squeezing my thigh or just running their hands up my thighs. Apart of me thinks that they are trying to seduce me, but the other part is like 'Nah' it's just me that is horny AF and having 7 extremely good looking guys are messing with my hormones.
So I've kept brushing it off today is Friday and Baekhun will be coming over for a movie night and pizza with Soo-ah. The guys are like overprotective uncles. Not liking that a boy will be coming over. I just laugh at them. As a few of them complain about having a boy over. They are too cute and Hot...
My mouth begins to water as Taehyung and Jungkook walk into the kitchen with no shirts on and loose sweatpants. I gulp and look away.  I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. It's
not like I haven't seen a guy shirtless before, but they ignite something in me. As my face heats up I leave the kitchen and go get a shirt. once I've found them I return to the kitchen and throw the shirts at them. "Put some clothes on," I say. And walk to the pantry. Maybe organizing will help me calm down right?. Oh, who am I kidding? Behind me, I hear the guys laughing at me.
Really getting into my intense organization project leaving the pantry looking like one of those organizing accounts on insta.
I am admiring my work when I hear the doorbell.
"Can one of you guys open the door, it might be the stuff I ordered?" I say as I make a few changes and look again at my handy work. When I hear a commotion. I am about to walk out of the pantry when a really scared Jimin barges in before I could get out. He hugs me tightly. Panting hard.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask concerned.
Trembling in my arms "Sh-she is trying to take us. Sh-sh was dragging Kookie out of the house"
At that moment you hear Kookie yell "Noona!". Looking at Jimin  I say " Grab my phone and call Kai, tell him to come here and explain what's going on" Taking my phone he does as told as I run to the front door. Opening the front door my blood begins to boil at what is happening in front of me. A few feet away there is a black truck and two big ass looking man dragging Tae and Kookie to the truck. Kookie is putting up a good but the man gets fed up with him and punches Kookie causing him to fall. Seeing all this I snap.
"Who the FUCK do you think you are treating my boys like that" I yell. Seeing red. The man briefly looks at me and continues to drag Tae and Kookie to the truck. Are these moves for real?! You are going to kidnap them in broad daylight right in front of my fucking face?!.
Running up to them I say. "Get your hands off them and get the fuck out of my property or so help me God"
Both men laugh at me.
"What's a little bitch like you gonna do?" Man 1 said chuckling.
"Once we have dealt with these two how about I teach you a lesson on how to put that little mouth of yours to better work," Man 2 said. Giving me the chills. At that moment the rest of the guys run to the front door and begin to growl. Not liking what they are seeing and have just heard.  "Let go of my Kookie" I demand.
The two assholes just laugh. Welp, I guess I'm gonna have to throw some hands.
I quickly make my way to the asshat that is manhandling my Kookie and punch him right in the nuts causing him bending over screaming in pain. Kookie takes the opportunity and sets himself free, running towards the other guys who have my Tae. He tackles the man with so much force that the guy is out cold. "Go with the others," I told them. But they didn't listen. All 7 of them stand in front of me and growl. The man takes a step back. When the door of the car opens and out walks out Ms.Wang. Of course.
The boys are frozen on the spot. It must be a shock to them to see her after all this time.
Making my way in front of them. Now is my turn to protect them. I look at the evil-looking witch. "You've been creeping in my property, I was wondering when you would show up," I say with a stinkingly sweet tone. Yah knows to kill them with kindness and all. Altho I don't know how long this kindness will last.
Ms. Wang scowled.
Lifting her chin she walks to me and says. "These are my hybrids that you have there, I have come to take them back"
"Like hell, you are taking them. I have adopted them. So no can do, they are mine and they are not going anywhere, especially with you." I state firmly.
Glancing at the guys she tries to be seductive. Keyword Tries. She pushes her breasts and moves her coat revealing her cleavage and a little shoulder. God, I think I might throw up.
"My baby boys I've been looking everywhere for you. I've missed you so much and my bed has been so cold without you" she pouts. And I scrunched my face I disgust. Wow. That hands down is the nastiest shit I have ever witnessed. I might even need therapy after this.
From behind me someone wraps their arms around me and growls.
"Please stop that, you look pathetic and disgusting," Jin said.
"There is no way in hell that we would ever go anywhere with you, so get lost bitch" Yoongi sneered.
Ms. Wand balled her fists, face turning red in rage.
"YOU WILL COME WITH ME WILLINGLY OR BY FORCE I DON'T CARE. YOU BELONG TO ME!" she yelled. Completely losing her shit. Talk about a crazy bitch.
"You! You little whore, I will get rid of you" she seethes. Pointing her finger at me. Getting out of the guys hold I make my way to her
"You will get rid of me? I would like to see you try" I chuckle.
Ms. Wang lifts her hand and slaps me. Since she hit me first I can go ham on her ass.
The guys come to me and growl. Ready to beat Ms. Wang up.  She looks at them with wide eyes.
I look at them "Go and stand by the door"
"But Noona-"
Cutting off Jimin I say. "If you hurt any of them you will be put down. So let me deal with this."
They hesitate.
"Now!" I say. And they do as told.
Looking at Ms.Wang I smile. "I've wanted to do this for a long time." Lifting my hand I slap her back.
Ms. Wang looks at me in disbelief.
"How dare you, you little-" she says as she launches at me and punches me in the face. So that's how she's going to play?!. Cool.
I punch her pack and knee her in the stomach. "You stupid ass bitch, rapist ass bitch, ugly fossil looking ass bitch, " I grunt in pain as she makes me fall and I land hard on the floor. I kick her and she falls too. I make my way to get and grab her by her hair. Her hands make their way to my hair too and we begin to hit, punch and scratch as I keep insulting her. "You saggy titty looking bitch, You two-dollar whore looking bitch. You crypt keeper looking ass bitch"
I am on a roll when I feel someone pick me off of Ms.Wang.
I hear the person chuckling and say "crypt keeper?..hmm I see it"
I turn to see Kai in his officer uniform.
"Oh, officer! Arrest this insolent little whore, she beat me up and stole my hybrids" Ms.Wang says.
My head snaps her way and I laugh. "Bitch please, you came here and started it. And I have no problem with finishing it" I say trying to launch my self at her. Kai picks me up. And take me to the guys. "Woah Woah chill tiger."
I huff in anger and look away not wanting to look at him or the boys I am so angry. Not at them but at her. The balls on that lady.
Another officer walks to us and asks. "Can someone tell me what happened?"
Tea begins to explain how they went to check the mail and that the man we're dragging him and cookie to Ms. Wang's car and the fight that went down.
The officer took notes. Looking at me "are they yours?" I nod" I adopted them" and go into the house. Coming back out with the adoption papers. The officer looks through them. "They are all good. Well, she will be arrested for trespassing, the attempt of kidnapping and assault" the officer informs me.
"You should get those wounds treated, You did a number on that lady, wouldn't want to cross you in a dark ally that's for sure" he laughs and walks away.
"Are you okay?" Kai asks and I just nod.
"I'll keep you informed on what happens okay, get some rest and get cleaned up" he pats my back and I wince. "Sorry" he gives me an apologetic smile. He looks at my boys. "It was nice meeting you guys, make sure she takes care of he wounds" and walks away. Jimin and Hobi walk me inside the house and carefully set me on the couch. Joonie sets off to get the first aid kit. And jin sits in front of me examining my injuries.
Namjoon comes back and jin gets working on the injuries on my face while Jimin cleans the scrapes on my elbows. All of us in complete silence.
That's is until my phone rings. Tea picks it up and answers. Moments later he puts in on speaker. "Hello?" I say.
"Omg girllll, Kai called me and told me what happened. I wish I was there to witness you kicking that bitches ass. But I'm so proud of you" Hani said.
I laugh. "Thanks, love"
"Anyways I didn't call to gossip well maybe a bit but I am on my way to your place to get Soo-ah's and Do-Won's car seats. I will pick them up from school so just chill and let your beautiful man take care of you. Btw that guy that answered the phone, holy deep voice, to
You are one lucky bitch! Anyways I am leaving my house in 5 minutes see yah soon byeee¡" and she hangs up.
Things wet quiet again until Kookie breaks the silence. "I thought Yoongi Hyung cured a lot but noons really surprised me today." He giggled.
"Crypt keeper looking ass bitch?" Yoongi asks. With a smile on his face.
I pick up my phone and go on google and look for a picture of the crypt keeper. I pass my phone to him and he sees what's on the screen the doubles over and laughs his ass off.
"Savage!" He says. The guys take the phone from him and one by one we are all laughing so hard that tears are streaming down their faces.

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