Chapter 21: Storm Day5

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It has finally stopped snowing which means the plow will be coming to clean my driveway and everything. I'm sure all the streets in town will be cleaned too. And the guys might want to leave. I said to them that they could stay for the storm and leave whenever they are ready or want to but a part of me wants them to stay here forever. They fit so well here. It's like we have been family all along. The house is brighter with them around. Home feels like home thanks to them. But also the pessimistic part of me is freaking the Fuck out. What if they want to leave? What if after this I don't see them again? What if once they leave Ms.Wang gets them. That hoe has been snooping around way before they decided to stay here. All these things keep running in my mind as I do the dishes. As soon as  I am done, I quickly make my way to my room to call someone who might be of great help.

Once in my room, I dial Hani. She is the mom of one of Soo-ah's best friend. Since we moved here she and I have become really good friends. She and her Fiancee
Kai has been so nice to me and the kids. Kai is not Baeks biological dad but loves him like his own. He is a cop in town And Hani works at the hybrid adoption shelter two towns over.

Hani: Hello?
Y/n: Hey Hani! It's y/n. How are you?
Hani: Hey girl. So I see you survived the storm with your niece and nephew. Hahaha.
Y/n: I did.But only because I got help. How was it for you guys with Baekhyun at home?
Hani: Kai and I did well. We tag-teamed it. I really don't know where Baekhyun is getting all that energy from. Wait... What do you mean you got help? Did you hire a nanny? You... Don't tell me you got yourself a man and you didn't even tell me?! I am hurt.
Y/n: Hahaha.chill. You kind of sound like Ji Yong.
Hani: oh my lorddddd! Who is Ji Yong? Is he your new man?
Y/n: No, he is not my new man. There is no new man. He is a friend from college. Just a friend.
Hani: Right. Just a friend got it. So who is this mystery person that has been helping you?
Y/n: Nosy much?!
Hani: spilllll
Y/n: Well... It's not a person. It's more like people. A few of them?
Hani: What?! Holy shit! You dirty dirty girl! You have orgies?! Who would have thought.
Y/n: Would you just let me explain. Because I kind of need your opinion on something.
Hani: Okay, okay. I'm all ears. Now spill.
Y/n: Soo... The people that have been helping me are hybrids. 7 to be exact.
Hani: 7? So you are having an orgy.
Y/n: Hani!!
Hani: Okay...ill let you talk.
Y/n: So these Hybrids were living in the woods behind my house for the past two years. I won't go into detail but they were mistreated to put it nicely. What I wanted to ask is Could I adopt them?...only if the want me to do so. Of course.  Know that the law says that I can adopt them if their previous owner hasn't reported them missing. Which she hasn't I looked it up. I was wondering if you could do help me with the paperwork? Help me with the adoption process?
Hani: Hmm...usually I can't fill out adoption papers for hybrids that are not in the shelter but since you are my friend I will do it for you. In exchange, Baekhyun sleeps over your house on Friday so that Kai and I can get some much needed alone time. And by law, their previous owner has no right over them. They are free to be adopted.
Y/n: Thank you and Deal. But you know that if you guys want to go on a date or something I am more than happy to babysit.
Hani: I know I can always count on you. Now. How about you stop by tomorrow. All you need is their names. Birthdays and what kind of animal/breed they are.
Y/n: Awesome, I'll be seeing you tomorrow then.

Hanging up I feel a bit happy, lighter. Now I just have to figure out if they might want to be adopted.
Getting my laundry basket. And the kids too, I make my way to the laundry room. As I am putting the detergent on the machine I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.
I turn my head to find Jin.
"Hey, Jinnie What's up?" I say happily.
"You've been busy all day and I just wanted to hug you" he whines.
Damn, he is so fucking cute.
"I know, it's a hectic day today. But if you ever need a hug you can just come to me whenever. I never run out of hugs" I say.
He chuckles."You are too cute Y/n-ah"
Turning to look at Jin. My face going serious. "Jinnie, would you come with me to my room? I need to talk to you about something." I say. Hoping that this will go well.
"Sure thing, lead the way," he says looking at me with concern.

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